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医学生中倡导的工匠精神,其实就是我们说的职业态度和精神理念,体现了对工作的精益求精、对职业的奉献、对社会有责任感、对患者负责的价值取向。医学院校应该重视学生的工匠精神培养。 The spirit of artisans advocated by medical students is, in fact, what we call the professional attitude and spiritual concept, which reflects the value orientation of keeping improving the work, giving dedication to the profession, having a sense of responsibility toward the society and being responsible to the patients. Medical colleges and universities should attach importance to student spirit training.
Comparative analysis between the quantitative data of active faults and seismicity reveals that a complete earthquake recurrence cycle includes the characterist
影片简介第一场01.梦境旅途DreamRide2016,加拿大,5分钟制作人:Lacy Kemp(Producer),Ryan Gibb(Director)类别:山地自行车/Mountain Biking电影梗概:进入一个梦境之中,这里的
序号 发震时间地震位置月日时分秒北纬东经地点震级(ML) 深度(km) 精度1 1 0 5 1 6 495 3 940°39′ 1 2 2°41′辽宁省海城 3 6 9Ⅰ2 1 2 1 5 1 90 6 2 5 848°1 3′ 1 2 4
AIM:Transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) of the hepaticartery has been accepted as an effective treatment forunresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).H
AIM:To investigate the rrelationship between methylationof Syk(spleen tyrosine kinase)gene in promoter regionand oncogenesis,metastasis of gastric carcinoma.Th
The 1927 Gulang M_S8.0 earthquake is a severe earthquake that followed the Haiyuan M_S8.5 earthquake of 1920 in the Qilian Mt._Hexi Corridor earthquake zone. Th
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