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第六节水稻工厂化育秧工艺流程二、种子处理育秧种子处理的一般程序是: 发芽试验要求种子发芽率≥95%。先将种子浸泡24h,使之充分吸水,然后置于30℃温度环境下,7d后种子生发幼芽、幼根后,计算健全芽种占全部试验种子的比例。晒种将种子铺放干燥场上翻晒2d~8d。可增强种皮的透性,增加种了内部氧气、促进种子体内的活性。选种一般要经风选、筛选、盐水选种。盐水选种是用13kg食盐加入50kg水中,制成比重为1.13的盐水,然后将种子放盐水中搅拌,除去浮在水面的空壳和不良种子,捞出底部好种,再用清水冲洗1次~2次即可。消毒种子消毒用药一般为多菌灵、克菌丹、硫酸铜、福尔马林等,使用方法参考表2。 Section VI rice plant breeding seedling flow Second, the seed treatment Seedling seed treatment of the general procedure is: germination test requires seed germination rate ≥ 95%. The seeds were soaked for 24 hours so as to make them fully absorb water, and then placed in a temperature environment of 30 ° C. After 7 days, seed germinal buds and young roots were counted, and the proportion of sound buds in all the tested seeds was calculated. Dry seeds will be put on the farm drying drying sun 2d ~ 8d. Can enhance the permeability of the seed coat, increase the kinds of internal oxygen, and promote seed body activity. Seed selection generally go through the wind election, screening, salt selection. Saltwater seed selection is to add 50kg of salt with 13kg of salt to make the brine with the specific gravity of 1.13 and then mix the seeds in salt water to remove the shellfish and the undesirable seeds floating on the surface of the water and remove the good seeds from the bottom and rinse once with clean water ~ 2 times can be. Disinfection seed disinfection drugs are generally carbendazim, captan, copper sulfate, formalin, etc., the use of reference Table 2.
男人的内涵远重于外表,但重视外表更是内在修养的体现。有里有面,自然不做作,才是真男人。要做一个品位男人,就要对自己的面子负起责任来。 Men’s connotation is more emp
以中篇小说《老人与海》获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国作家厄内斯特·海明威(1899—1961),素以文字简练著称。他的作品总是一而再、再而三地删削压缩。甚至有些写得很不 Ernest H
若泽·萨拉马戈获诺贝尔文学奖后,西班牙《国家报》发表了记者阿拉梅达对他进行的长篇访谈,题为《若泽·萨拉马戈》。现译介如下: After Jose Sarama won the Nobel Prize