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国外对高清晰度电视(HDTV)经过十多年的研制工作,已生产出适用于HDTV 系统的全套设备,其产品已由实验室阶段进入试验传输阶段。目前,日本、欧美各大电子公司竞相研制高清晰度电视设备,并己取得根本性的进展,目前正加快研制与批量生产的步伐。据美国有关方面预测,到2000年全世界将拥有三千万部高清晰度电视接收机,其价格比现在彩电仅贵20%~30%。本文较详细地介绍国外高清晰度电视设备的研制情况、有关技术数据、关键技术问题及发展动向。我国这方面的研究刚刚起步,发表本文的目的在于为有关单位提供参考。 Foreign HDTV (HDTV) after more than 10 years of research and development, has produced a full HDTV system for equipment, its products have entered the pilot phase of transmission from the laboratory stage. At present, Japan, Europe and the United States major electronics companies competing to develop high-definition television equipment, and has made fundamental progress, is now accelerating the pace of development and mass production. According to the prediction of the U.S. authorities, there will be 30 million high-definition television receivers in the world by the year 2000, which will cost only 20% to 30% more than the current color TV sets. This article introduces the development of foreign high-definition television equipment in more detail, relevant technical data, key technical issues and development trends. Our country’s research in this area has just started. The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for the relevant units.
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