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综合档案室在机关中的地位和作用综合档案室既是集中统一保管不同种类、不同性质档案的基地,又是档案事业管理的基层单位。在设有秘书、人事、会计等内部机构的独立从事活动的机关(包括企业事业单位)都应建立综合档案室,并视为内部的实体机构。综合档案室在办公室领导下,在档案专业主管机关的指导下,开展机关档案工作。它的主要任务:一是指导、监督、检查和协助本机关秘书、科技、会计等部门做好文件材料的归档工作;二是按照规定接收、管理本机关的全部档案,积极提供利用,为本机关各项工作服务;三是负责对本系统和直属单位的档案工作进行指导、监督与检查。综合档案室在机关中,具有极为重要的地位。综合档案室工作,是整个档案工作的重要组成部分,是促进和发展档案事业的基础。机关是产生档案材料的基地,国家档案主要 Integrated archives in the organs of the status and role of Archives is not only a unified centralized storage of different types and different nature of the file base, but also the file business management of the grassroots units. All agencies (including enterprises and public institutions) that independently engage in activities such as secretarial, personnel and accounting shall establish comprehensive archives and regard them as internal substantive agencies. Archives under the leadership of the office, under the guidance of the file professional competent agencies to carry out the work of archives. Its main tasks: First, to guide, supervise, inspect and assist the secretaries, science and technology, accounting and other departments to do a good job filing documents and materials; second is in accordance with the provisions of the receiving and managing all the files of this body, and actively provide for the use of this Agencies and various work services; third is responsible for the system and its units directly under the guidance of the file, supervision and inspection. Integrated archives in the organs, has an extremely important position. The work of a comprehensive archives is an important part of the entire archives work and is the basis for promoting and developing the archives undertaking. The agency is the base for producing archival materials, the main national file
在这个物欲横流的时代,我们每个人都时时刻刻在经受个人与社会的选择,经受事业和享乐的考验 In this materialistic era, each of us is constantly subjected to the choic
这还是芬兰人曼内海姆考察西域路经兰州时拍的一张照片。时间是 1908年2月 18日。 1908年 2月 18日正是这一年农历的大年初一。同年1月29日,曼内海姆欢快的马蹄哒哒地敲响了当时是陕甘总督衙门
中华人民共和国科学技术进步奖励条例第十一条科学技术进步奖获得者的事迹,应记入本人档案,并作为考核、晋升、评定职称的重要依据之一. 国务院城市规划条例第二十四条各级