
来源 :黑龙江教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piaobozaiwai
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黑龙江省中学教师学历培训——教师自考工作是以教师自学为主,通过考试,验收合格,承认学历的办法进行的。这项工作在我省,已经进行了八年,八年的工作实践使我们深刻体会到加强考风考纪建没是保证和提高中学教师自考工作质量,推动教师学历培训工作顺利进展的前提。因为考风考纪,不仅直接影响考试成绩,而且关系到学风,甚至是社会风气的形成,因为我们的培训对象是教师,而教师又是学生的表率,教师素质提高、知识拓展,牵动着千家万户、方方面面。经过培训,我们的教师是否达到了更高层次和水平,是要通过考试进行检验和衡量的。因此,健全考试制度,严明考试纪律,是中学教师自考应该充分重视的问题。有良好的考风考纪,才会有良好的社会信誉,我们的考试才会具有生命力。 Secondary school teachers in Heilongjiang Province academic qualifications training - teacher self-examination work is based on self-learning teachers, passed the exam, acceptance, recognition of academic approach. This work has been carried out in our province for eight years. Eight years of working practice have profoundly realized that it is not a prerequisite for enhancing the quality of self-examination work for secondary school teachers and promoting the smooth progress of academic qualification training for teachers. Because the test of seniority, not only directly affect the test scores, but also related to the style of study, and even the formation of social ethos, because our training target is a teacher, and teachers are the example of students, teachers improve the quality of knowledge development, affects thousands Million households, all aspects. After training, our teachers have reached a higher level and level, is to pass the test to test and measure. Therefore, improving the examination system and strict examination discipline are the problems that secondary school teachers should pay due attention to in their own tests. Have a good test of seniority, will have a good social reputation, our exams will have vitality.
2月26日,“李双江危机”引发了一场教育人士关于“家教”的讨论。  对话嘉宾——  丛倩祯:沪上知名早教专家,上海电视台少儿频道常年特邀专家;  常智韬:沪江网副总裁,用民主的方式培养出一个上哈佛的女儿;  李文道:首都师范大学教育学院心理系副教授、心理学博士,首都师范大学教育学院家庭教养研究中心副主任。  丛倩祯:李双江的儿子是“家庭教育的失败”,父母不能把孩子的成长分为阶段性,家庭教育更多的是
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所谓听、说、读、写整体训练原则是指在“使学生热爱祖国语言,能够正确地理解运用祖国语言文字”的总体目标下,把听、说、读、写作为一个系统来进行语文基本训练的原则。 听
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