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一个时期以来,住房制度改革已成为人们经济生活中最为关注的问题,人们正以一种复杂的心情等待着国家房改方案的出台,各地的房改试点正在全面铺开,相关的配套政策也陆续付诸实施。武汉大学管理学院投资经济系副主任吴先明指出,在这一过程中,有一种倾向值得注意,这就是在房改宣传和房改政策的制定中,对房改的根本目的没有给予足够的重视,似乎房改就是要改掉过去的福利分房,让群众拿钱买房,或者是为了启动住房消费,促进经济增长。这很容易把群众置于房改的对立面,使房改不能得到群众的支持与配合,从而阻碍房改的进程。 吴先明认为,改革传统的住房实物福利分配制度,实行住房的货币化、商品化分配,这是住房制度改革的核心内容,但不是根本目的,根本目的是要让居民在一种新的制度安排下获得更多的住房消费,而不是减少这种消费。 Since a certain period of time, the housing system reform has become the most important issue in people’s economic life. People are waiting for the introduction of the state housing reform plan in a complex mood. The pilot reform programs for housing reform in various places are now being carried out in full swing. Related supporting policies are also being paid in succession Implement. Wu Xianming, deputy director of the Department of Investment Economics, School of Management, Wuhan University, pointed out that in this process, there is a tendency to be noticed. This is the failure to give sufficient attention to the fundamental purpose of housing reform in the reform of housing reform and housing reform policies. To get rid of the welfare of the past housing, so that people get money to buy a house, or to start housing consumption and promote economic growth. It is easy to put the masses on the opposite side of the housing reform so that the housing reform can not get the support and cooperation of the masses, hindering the progress of the housing reform. Wu Xianming believes that reforming the traditional distribution system of housing benefits in kind and implementing the monetization and commercialization of housing are the core contents of the reform of the housing system. However, they are not the fundamental purpose. The fundamental purpose is to enable the residents to work under a new institutional arrangement Instead of reducing this spending, more housing is consumed.
1998年,住宅建设能否成为新的经济增长点,建设部房地产业司司长谢家瑾在日前召开的1998中国市场与商业机会研讨会上谈了自己的看法。 谢家瑾认为其关键是住房消费热点的 In
柠檬,因其味极酸,肝虚孕妇最喜食,故也称益母果或益母子。 Lemon, because of its extreme taste of acid, liver deficiency most like to eat pregnant women, it is also
  Previous studies on meta-discourse and formulaic language have shown that both phrasal level and sentential level lexico-grammatical sequences perf