认真审核凭证 制止不合理开支

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我厂1982年起建立了凭征审核制度,设置了专职审核人员,加强了对原始凭征的审核,取得了良好的效果.如1982年8月9日桃江县物资局在我厂购买425水泥170吨,每吨单价65元,上车力资每吨0.85元,共计币12,495元,而发票上却写成1,249元,少收11,245.50,出纳和制证人都没有发现,但在审查凭证时发现少收货款并及时予以追回.又如1982年8月13日支付运费155.69元,我们在审核运费单时,根据以往进货的运费单价是2.90元,这次为什么要29.00元呢?经过查证是运输开票错误,追回了多付的运费590.12元.又如1982年9月12日胜利铸造厂六部拖拉机给我厂送来稍球18.6吨,10月6日安化小淹农具厂送来钢球29.4吨,这两个厂都距我厂较远,而价格都和本地的矿山机械厂一样每吨 I set up factories in 1982 by virtue of the audit system, set full-time auditors, to strengthen the audit of the original credentials, and achieved good results, such as August 9, 1982 Taojiang County Materials Bureau in our plant to buy 425 cement 170 tons per unit price of 65 yuan, on the bus power of 0.85 yuan per ton, a total of 12,495 yuan, while the invoice has been written as 1,249 yuan, 11,245.50 less income, cashiers and the system were found no witnesses, but found less evidence in the review Receipt and timely recovery. Another example is the August 13, 1982 155.69 yuan to pay shipping costs, when we review the shipping list, according to the previous purchase unit shipping price is 2.90 yuan, this time why 29.00 yuan? After verification is Transport billing errors, recovered the overpaid shipping 590.12 yuan, another example, September 12, 1982 Victory foundry six tractors to my factory sent a little ball 18.6 tons, on October 6 Anhua small flooded farm sent to steel plant Ball 29.4 tons, these two plants are far away from my factory, and the prices are the same as the local mining machinery factory per ton
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