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阅读下面两首唐诗,完成10—11题。 望洞庭 刘禹锡 湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。遥望洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺 题君山 雍陶 烟波不动影沉沉,碧色全无翠色深。疑是水仙梳洗处,一螺青黛镜中心。 10.对这两首诗的字句解说,不恰当的一项是 A.刘诗中“两相和”的“和”用字工稳,形象地勾画出秋夜中洞庭湖水和明月清光辉映成趣、水天一色的融和画面。 B.刘诗中“潭面无风”句和雍诗中“烟波不动”句,都贴切地描绘了月光下湖面风平浪静、山影凝重、朦胧而又静谧的景象。 巳雍诗中“碧”是湖色,“翠”是山色,因为是凝视君山映在湖中的倒影,所以给人感觉湖水的颜色没有君山倒影的颜色浓重。 D.雍诗中“水仙”指水中仙女,即娥皇和女英,她们是古代传说中尧的女儿,舜的妃子,死后作湘水神,遨游于洞庭之上。 Read the following two Tang poems and complete the 10-11 questions. Looking at the Dongting Liu Yuxi, the two phases of the lake, the moon and the moon, the mirror of the lake is not worn. Looking at the scenery of the Dongting Mountain, a green snail in the silver plate, the title Junshan, the pottery, the pottery, the smoke, the wave, and the color of the blue color are all dark. Suspected narcissus toilet, a screw green mirror center. 10. It is inappropriate to comment on the words of these two poems. A. Liu Shizhong’s “Two-phases harmony” and the word “和” use characters to work steadily. It vividly depicts the Dongting Lake and the bright moonlight in the autumn night. One color blends the picture. B. Liu Shizhong’s “No wind on the lake surface” sentence and the “Everything is not moving” sentence in the poems of the poems all depict the calm and calm scenery of the lake under the moonlight and the serene but quiet scene. In the poem “Bei” is the lake color, “Cui” is the mountain color, because it is the reflection of the Junshan reflected in the lake, so it gives the impression that the color of the lake is not thick with the reflection of Junshan. D. In the poem “Daffodils” refers to the fairy in the water, that is, the emperor and the female heroes, they are the daughters of ancient legends, the nephew’s sister-in-law, after the death of the god of water, swim in the Dongting.
英语否定句一般都由not构成,但也有例外,常见的不用not的否定结构有: 1.too…too…太……(而)不……,例如: It’t too high to reach. 太高了,够不着。 These exercises are
对差生持“基本信赖的情感和姿态”是做好差生转化工作的前提和保证。 1.尽管差生成因复杂,差之所在亦异,但勿庸疑虑的是他们还未差到不可救药的程度。这便是对他们宜持基本
下列句子中加点的成语,使用恰当的一句是: A.那是一张两人的合影,左边是一位英俊的解放军战士,右边是一位文弱的莘莘学子。 B.这次选举,本来他是最有希望的,但由于他近来的所
研读’97高考文言试题,结合近几年高考文言试题情况,我们认为,要想提高文言试题的得分率,高三文言文复习应该注意以下几个问题。 Studying the ’97 college entrance exam