
来源 :中国热带医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_zouzhi
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目的了解贡山县疟疾防治工作现状,为全球基金疟疾控制项目的实施评价提供基线资料数据和控制措施的科学依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样,选取3个乡9个行政村27个自然村为调查点,逐人逐户问卷调查,诊所抽查处方和血检登记;学生疟防知识问卷调查等。结果共调查走访村民803户,2751人,疟疾发病率48.42/万;有疟史者224人,疟史率为8.14%。3个乡镇共问卷调查中小学生699人,知晓疟防知识184人,知晓率26.32%;村民走访2751人,知晓疟防知识224人,知晓率8.14%。对发热病人血检578人,阳性133人,血检阳性率为23.01%;检查县乡两级疟疾处方352张,正规处方81张,占23.01%。结论贡山县疟防工作仍然存在许多困难和问题,需进一步加强和完善。在提高显微镜检查疟原虫技术的基础上,使用血检漏报率估算疟疾发病率可能比较合适。 Objective To understand the current situation of malaria control in Gongshan County and provide the scientific basis for baseline data and control measures for the evaluation of the implementation of the Global Fund’s malaria control project. Methods A stratified cluster random sampling method was used to select 27 natural villages in 9 administrative villages in 3 townships as survey points, one by one household survey by questionnaire, random sampling by clinic and blood test registration, questionnaire survey of malaria prevention knowledge among students and so on. Results A total of 803 villagers and 2751 people were interviewed. The incidence of malaria was 48.42 / million. There were 224 malaria cases and the history of malaria was 8.14%. A total of 699 primary and secondary school students were surveyed in 3 townships, 184 people were aware of malaria prevention knowledge and 26.32% were aware of it. Villagers visited 2751 people and 224 people were aware of malaria prevention knowledge, with a rate of 8.14%. Of the 578 fever patients, 133 were positive, with a blood test positive rate of 23.01%. There were 352 prescriptions of malaria at county and township levels, with 81 prescriptions accounting for 23.01% of the total. Conclusion There are still many difficulties and problems in malaria prevention work in Gongshan County, which need to be further strengthened and improved. On the basis of improving the microscopic examination of the malaria parasite technique, it may be appropriate to use the false negative rate of blood test to estimate the incidence of malaria.
墨西哥类玉米 墨西哥类玉米(Euchlaena mexicana Schrad)又名墨西哥饲用玉米、大刍草,系禾本科类蜀黍属一年生草本植物。 墨西哥类玉米叶片多,草质优,适口性好,各种草食家畜
静脉穿刺后因药物刺激等原因在静脉走行部位出现条索状红线,并有局部刺激症状,即静脉炎.笔者在临床工作中,采用三棱散外敷治疗,效果满意 .
20世纪 70年代以来 ,极低出生体重 (VLBW )儿坏死性小肠结肠炎 (necrotizingenterocolitis ,NEC)已经成为发达国家NICU患儿中 ,最常见的急腹症和肠穿孔的原因。NEC的发病机制不明 ,危险因素包括早产、胃肠道缺血、感
射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)技术在食品制造业应用越来越广泛,而应用标准的缺乏使得射频识别的基础设施无法兼容共享,阻碍了射频识别系统的大规模应用。