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穗发芽是小麦生产中较为严重的灾害之一,易受外界环境的影响,一旦发生不仅会影响产量,而且还会严重影响小麦的品质,因此培育抗穗发芽的小麦品种至关重要。该研究通过对65份小麦材料进行穗发芽试验,比较分析了小麦穗发芽抗性的常用方法,即籽粒发芽法、整穗发芽法和大田穗发芽法。结果表明:三种方法之间均呈极显著正相关关系,而且在1%水平上均存在极显著性差异;发芽指数与籽粒发芽率的相关性最高,能够更好地评价小麦材料的休眠特性,但不能得出材料的总体抗性;籽粒发芽法和整穗发芽法的变异程度相对较小,试验条件更易控制,可作为小麦穗发芽抗性评价的简易方法;多数参试材料的平均籽粒发芽率>平均整穗发芽率>平均大田穗发芽率,且三者差异程度均达到极显著水平,这说明麦穗的外部结构及外部环境对小麦穗发芽的影响显著。因此,籽粒发芽法可以从休眠性方面,对小麦种子资源进行初步筛选;整穗发芽法可用于穗发芽抗性的进一步鉴定和验证,评价小麦材料穗发芽的综合抗性;大田穗发芽法较易受自然条件的影响、变异程度较大,其结果可以作为室内发芽试验的参考数据。 Ear sprouting is one of the more serious disasters in wheat production. It is susceptible to the external environment. Once it occurs, it will not only affect the yield, but also seriously affect the quality of wheat. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate resistant sprouting wheat varieties. In this study, 65 wheat cultivars were sprouted and the common methods for sprouting resistance of wheat were compared. They were germination method of whole grains, sprouting method of whole ear and sprouting method of big ears. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the three methods, and there was a significant difference at 1% level. The correlation between germination index and germination rate was the highest, which could better evaluate the dormancy characteristics of wheat materials , But can not get the overall resistance of the material; the variation degree of the sprouting method and the whole sprouting method is relatively small, and the test conditions are more easily controlled, which can be used as a simple method for evaluating the sprouting resistance of wheat; and the average grain of most of the tested materials Germination rate> average whole grain germination rate> average field spike germination rate, and the three differences reached the extremely significant level, indicating that the external structure of wheat ears and the external environment on the spike of wheat significantly affected. Therefore, the seed germination method can be from the dormancy, preliminary screening of wheat seed resources; Whole-sprout germination method can be used to identify and verify the spikelet resistance to evaluate the wheat material spike germination comprehensive resistance; Vulnerable to natural conditions, a greater degree of variation, the results can be used as indoor germination test reference data.
以0.5%的甲醛溶液为灭活剂,制备鳗弧菌灭活疫苗,经过无菌和安全试验后,按照2 m L/尾的剂量,通过腹腔注射途径注射浓度为1.78×10^8cfu/m L的鳗弧菌灭活疫苗对杂交鲟进行
<正> 我国是一个多地震的国家。近年来,连续发生了多次强烈地震,使人民生命和财产受到了严重的损失。当前,我国不少地区都有震情,因此,如何避免或减少地震造成的损失,是一个