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班主任工作是一项有意义工作,虽然工作很辛苦,但在与学生的交往中也能感到其中的乐趣。近二十年来,做—个班主任最大的感触——有辛苦也有乐趣。在工作中关键的问题,我认为是要有一颗“爱心”。爱是教师的智慧和力量的源泉。前苏联教育学家苏霍姆林斯基作过精辟的解答:“教育者最可贵的品质之—就是人性,对孩子的深沉的爱,兼有父母的亲呢温存睿智与严格要求相结合的那种爱。”特别是作为—个班主任,想要真正建立与学生平等、和谐的师 Class teacher work is a meaningful job, although the work is very hard, but in the interaction with students can feel the fun. In the past 20 years, doing - a teacher’s biggest feelings - have hard and have fun. In the work of the key issues, I think it is necessary to have a “love”. Love is a source of wisdom and strength for teachers. Former Soviet Union educator Suhomlinski made an incisive answer: “The most valuable qualities of educators - that is, human nature, deep love for their children, both parents, it warmth wise and the combination of strict requirements Kind of love. ”" In particular, as a class teacher, you want to truly establish equality and harmony with the students division
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