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哲学负有为社会文化发展提供思想理论和价值观念的责任.我们的哲学不能不关心重视我国民族文化的历史和现实,不能不就文化的传统和走向问题做必要的理论批判.特别是在“传统文化热”已成为潮流的今天,更需要对它有哲学深度的分析和说明.近年兴起了一股回归故往文化及其规范的各种“传统”热,因而也在一定范围招致了对它的非议,出现了几场较有影响的争论.如:主要是由文学界介入的关于“人文精神失落”问题的笔战;在理论界则有所谓革命导致“文化传统中断”论和对它的批驳;还有关于改革开放以来的道德趋势是“滑坡”还是“爬坡”的辩难;等等.这些争论的起因、含义和表现各有不同,内容也是多方面的.但它们之间显然存在着内在的深刻联系,共同之处是都涉及如何看待我们的文化(包括道德)传统与现实及未来的关系. Philosophy possesses the responsibility of providing ideological theories and values ​​for the development of social culture.Our philosophy can not but pay attention to the history and reality of our country’s national culture and can not but make the necessary theoretical critique on the issue of cultural tradition and direction.However, The traditional culture of hot “has become the tide of today, but also needs its philosophical depth analysis and description.In recent years, the rise of a return to the culture and its norms of the various” traditional “heat, which also led to a certain range of There are several more influential debates in this field, such as the main battlefield of literary intervention on the issue of ”the loss of humanistic spirit“, the so-called revolution in theory circles that causes the ”interruption of cultural traditions“ Criticism; there are also debates on whether the moral trends since the reform and opening up were ”landslide“ or ”hill-climbing"; etc. The causes, the meanings and the manifestations of these controversies vary and the content is also multifaceted. There is an inherent deep relationship, all in common with regard to how to view the relationship between our culture (including morality) traditions and reality and the future.
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南湖月,初上柳梢头。水榭歌柔浮绮户,湖滩草软卧沙鸥。千里寄乡愁。南湖月,上下水中央。萤焰蹁蹁蛙对语,莲花悄悄露含香。野鸭入眠乡。 Nanhu month, the beginning of Liu
摘 要 用情景剧的形式,把刑事诉讼实际办案的程序加以演示,这既是探索,又是尝试。实践证明,这种教学模式有效地调动了学生积极性,通过寓教于乐、寓教于文、寓教于情的方式,充分发挥了学生学习的主动性,将理论教学与学生实践有效的结合起来,将学生对问题的思考与动手能力有效的结合起来,将学生的“知”与“行”有效的结合起来,是一种行之有效的教学模式。  关键词 情景剧 办案程序 实施步骤 实施形式  作者简介:
认为东周时期五溪地区生活着土著民族,其文化特征主要体现在陶和青铜文化方面,从族称上看这些土著民族属古濮人。 It is considered that the indigenous peoples are living