深化教学改革 提高培训质量

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在市场经济条件下搞好干部培训工作,担负培训干部主要任务的各级党校及各类干部培训学校都应深化教学改革,练好内功。首先,要着重建立和完善新的教学体系,逐步形成以学习建设有中国特色社会主义理论、学习现代化建设所需要的各种新知识为核心,并有针对性地学习马克恩主义经典作家的著作的教学新格局。要帮助学员了解和掌握社会主义市场经济理论和基本知识,引导他们既放眼外面的世界、又注重对区情、县情的研究,把学习理论、学习先进典型同本地的改革开放和社会发展联系起来,找到适合本地区本部门的发展道路。同时教学要密切联系学员的思想实际,使学习和掌握理 Under the condition of a market economy, it is necessary to deepen the teaching reform and improve the internal strength by doing a good job of training cadres and shouldering the major tasks of training cadres. First of all, we should focus on establishing and perfecting a new teaching system, and gradually form the core of learning various new knowledge needed for building a theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and learning modernization, and study in a targeted manner the writings of classic Marxist writers The new pattern of teaching. It is necessary to help trainees to understand and master the theory and basic knowledge of socialist market economy, guide them both in the outside world and in the study of the regional conditions and county conditions, and to link learning theory and advanced learning with the local reform and opening up as well as social development Get up and find a suitable path for development in your area. At the same time teaching should be closely linked to the ideological reality of students, so that learning and master management
前些日,笔者在心理门诊诊治了两个因采用不适当的节食减肥法而搞垮了身体,且伴有严重心理疾病的少女患者。她们均由其母亲陪同而来。 徐女,18岁,职业中学学生。其母相告:这
分析了战术导弹及其武器系统工艺定型工作程序及工艺定型中存在的问题 ,针对法规性文件和标准的不协调 ,提出了理想的工作程序方案和建议。 The tactics of the tactical mi
也放是在昨天,也许是在很早以前,某个人伤害了你的感情,而你又很难忘掉它。你不该受到这样的损伤,因而它深深地留在你的记忆中,在那里继续伤害你的心。 Also put in yester
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日前,天津社会科学院社会学所与相关机构联合进行了一次“天津市少年儿童身心健康现状问卷调查”。调查对象为天津市城乡中小学三至八年级学生,共回收有效问卷1505份,其中小学中年级学生占33.2%、小学高年级学生占32.8%、初中学生占34%。  面对“在空闲时和谁在一起的时间最长”的问题,三组学生的选择,比例最高的都是妈妈,分别为34.1%、28.3%、29.7%;其次都是同学、兄弟姐妹;选择爸爸的分