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教学目标1.通过对课文的学习,结合课文内容,,理解重点词句。2.通过对课文的品读,理解课文内容,体会父母从不同角度的评价中对孩子的爱。3.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,感悟慈母之爱和严父之爱对孩子成长所起的作用。教学重点阅读理解课文,从父母对孩子不同的评价中体会父母的爱.教学难点理解慈母之爱和严父之爱对孩子成长所起的作用.教学准备多媒体课件教学过程一、设疑激趣,导入新课1.谈话导入:同学们,这节课我们继续学习第15课。请看黑 Teaching Objectives 1. Through the learning of the text, combined with the text content, to understand the key words. 2. Through the text reading, understanding of the text content, experience parents from different angles of evaluation of children’s love. Correct, fluent, emotionally read the text, perception of the love of the beloved mother and the love of the father and father on children’s growth. Teaching focus on reading comprehension of the text, parents from different evaluation of parents to understand the love of parents. Difficult to understand the teaching of love and stern parent love the growth of children play a role in the teaching of multimedia courseware teaching process. , Import a new lesson 1 conversation into: students, this lesson we continue to learn Lesson 15.. Please look black
To identify the genomic species of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, evaluate the difference between two molecular epidemiological methods and examine the relationship bet
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