
来源 :广西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaizhmx
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晚期下咽和颈食管癌切除后一期修复是80年代迅速发展的一项新成就。我们从1985年3月建所至今共作5例,今初步总结于后。临床资料详见附表。手术方法一、颈部手术:U形切口。分离暴露甲状腺、喉后,从健侧梨状窝进入下咽.在病变上1~3 cm处环形切断下咽,连同甲状腺、全喉一并切除。作胃代食管者,即顺下咽下端沿食管周剥离达弓上水平,作空肠段移植者即在病变下1~3cm斜形切断食管。二、胃代食管(胃上提胃咽吻合):上腹正中切口。从幽门向上,在大网膜血管弓外游离胃,注意保护胃网膜右血管。沿食管周向 The first phase of resection of advanced hypopharyngeal and neck esophageal cancer was a new achievement in the rapid development of the 1980s. We have made a total of 5 cases since its establishment in March 1985. This is a preliminary summary. Clinical data are detailed in the attached table. Surgical methods First, neck surgery: U-shaped incision. After the thyroid gland was separated and the larynx was separated from the contralateral piriformis, the hypopharynx was circumcised at a distance of 1 to 3 cm, and the thyroid and total larynx were removed together. For gastroesophageal esophagus, the lower extremities along the esophageal stripping up to the level of the bow, emptying the intestine segment transplanted in the lesion under the 1 ~ 3cm oblique cut off the esophagus. Second, the stomach on behalf of the esophagus (stomach to the stomach and pharynx anastomosis): abdominal midline incision. From the pylorus upwards, the stomach is freed from the omental vascular arch and care is taken to protect the right gastroesophageal vessels. Along the esophageal circumference
光量子血液疗法、也叫自血光化学疗法,当前在国际上是一种新的疗法,两年多来我们开展这种疗法,治疗中晚期肿瘤。典型病例报告如下: 病例:李洪文,男,66岁,工人。主诉咳嗽、憋
化学感受器瘤最常发生在颈部(颈动脉体、颈静脉球体),发生在消化道极少见,现将我院收治的1例报告如下。患者女,38岁。间歇黑便半年,加重3日于 The most common chemorecept
大地蒸腾的季节,外界各种侵扰身体的毒素变得异常活跃,我们也更容易上火、浮肿、精神倦怠,因此为身体排毒迫在眉睫。 In the transpirational season, all kinds of toxins