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记者这一职业,容易毁人,亦容易立人。说其可毁人,乃在于终日忙忙碌碌,满足于虚荣,无意读书,最终成了“混混儿”。旧上海的一些报人中,便常有这种人出没,以写俚俗与他人隐私为趣,大笔一摇,制造是非,终于成了文痞。但也有些有学识而又具活动能力的 Reporters in this profession, easy to destroy people, but also easy to set up. Say it can be destroyed, but that is busy all day long, content with vanity, no intention to study, eventually became “bastard ”. Some of the old newspapers in Shanghai, often have such people haunt, write vulgar and other people’s privacy for the fun, a lot of shake, manufacturing right and wrong, and finally became a ruffian. But there are also some knowledgeable and capable activities
Temperature dependence of microscopic properties in diblock copolymer films has been investigated by dissipative particle dynamics simulations.Results show the
一 高岗,1926年加入中国共产党,与刘志丹等一起创建了陕甘革命根据地。1935年,王明“左”倾路线肆虐陕北,高与刘志丹等被捕入狱,正要被杀时,毛泽东率领中央红军来到陕北而获
被毛泽东誉为资产阶级民主主义革命先驱者的孙中山先生,不仅是一位伟大的革命家、政治家和思想家,还是一位伟大的学者。 读万卷书 行万里路 凡是与孙中山熟悉的人,都知道 S
本病除称Guillain—Barro氏綜合征以外,又名感染性多發性神經炎(infection Polyneuritis),多發性神經根神經炎(Neuronits Polyradiculoneurits),或腦膜脊髓神經根炎(Encepha
A novel operation of batch distillation-combination of varying column pressure and total reflux-total efflux is studied experimentally. In the operation, the pr
A new superstructure form of heat exchanger networks (HEN) is proposed based on expert system (ES). The new superstructure form is combined with the practical e