
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YANYUGUOHOU
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扬州市居江苏省中部、江淮平原南端,古运河由北向南在中间穿过,新通扬运河横贯东西。全市南北长约140公里,东西120公里,土地总面积1852万亩,占全省12%,在总面积中,平原占29.5%,圩区占42.9%,缓坡丘陵占8.4%,水面占19.2%,耕地面积近900万亩,人口880多万,平均每个农业人口拥有耕地1.16亩。本市属北亚热带湿润气候区,气候温和,四季分明,年平均气温14.5℃,年降雨量平均在1000毫米左右,干燥度都在1.00以下,光热水土等自然资源综合条件较好,有利于林业生产的发展。 一、林业发展概况 建国以来,本市林业生产在各级党委、政府的关怀和重视下,有了较大的发展,现有成片林40.41万亩,四旁植树1.3266亿株(人均15株),建设农田林网近300万亩,森林覆盖率6.27%(比解放初期的0.28%增加了22倍),立木蓄积量283.6万立方米。全市累计成片造林157.14万亩,保存率25.7%,接近于全国平均水平;累计四旁植树209057 Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, central China, the southern tip of Jianghuai Plain, the ancient canal from north to south in the middle through the new Tongyang Canal runs through things. The city of about 140 km long from north to south, east-west 120 km, the total land area of ​​1852 mu, accounting for 12% of the province, in the total area of ​​29.5% plain, polder 42.9%, gentle slope hills 8.4%, 19.2% , Arable land area of ​​nearly 900 mu, population 8,800,000, with an average of 1.16 acres of arable land per agricultural population. The city belongs to the northern subtropical humid climate zone, the climate is mild, four seasons, the annual average temperature of 14.5 ℃, the average annual rainfall of about 1000 mm, the dryness of 1.00 below, comprehensive conditions of natural resources such as solar hot water and soil is better, is conducive to Development of forestry production. I. Overview of Forestry Development Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, forestry production in this Municipality has greatly developed under the care and attention of party committees and governments at all levels. There are 40.41 million mu of forest in existing plots and 132.66 million trees (15 per capita) , Construction of nearly 300 million mu of farmland forest network, the forest coverage rate of 6.27% (0.28% compared with the liberation of the early increase of 22 times), standing volume of 2836000 cubic meters. The city has a total of 157.14 million mu of film afforestation, the preservation rate of 25.7%, close to the national average; a total of 20,905 trees planted around
(1)I wonder ifit’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(强调句)我不知道这是不
目的筛选针对HPV16 E7基因有效的siRNA,探讨其对HaCaT-E7细胞中HPV16 E7 mRNA及细胞表面HLA-Ⅰ类分子表达的影响。方法采用化学法合成3条HPV16 E7特异性siRNA,应用转染试剂Li