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随着宏观调控效应的日益凸显,“练内功”一词也被越来越多的开发商所提及。接下去的杭州房地产市场必将逐步走向成熟,其中最突出的表现就是产品竞争的升级。提高产品竞争力,有效途径之一是联手国内外优秀的设计资源“,他为我用”。近几年来,以香港为首的境外建筑设计公司正迅速成为内地市场上一支重要的设计力量,并创造了许多优秀的作品,尤以北京、上海、广州、深圳等城市为主。作为内地房地产市场最活跃的城市之一的杭州,香港建筑设计公司与本地开发商的合作也在日益加强。在这样的历史机缘下,7月27日,杭州凯悦酒店,香港贸易发展局、香港建筑师事务所商会将共同主办题为“商机不尽、创意无穷、与建筑大师共创繁荣”香港建筑设计精品展示会。届时,来自香港的九家优秀建筑设计公司将携其作品,与杭州房地产业同仁进行交流。《楼市》杂志日前专赴香港,与本次参展的九家建筑设计公司的优秀设计师进行了深入的交流,在此过程中,我们强烈地感受到了香港建筑设计业具有的较强的商业触觉和中西并重的国际经验。《楼市》希望通过本次专题的制作,帮助广大读者了解到香港优秀的设计作品和设计理念,为两地城市建设和房地产业带来新的思路,也对杭州房产品的建筑水平能够有更好的认识和评判。 With the increasingly prominent macroeconomic regulation and control effect, the word “practicing internal strength” has also been mentioned by more and more developers. The next real estate market in Hangzhou is bound to gradually mature, one of the most prominent performance is the upgrading of product competition. Improve product competitiveness, one of the effective ways is to join hands with excellent design resources at home and abroad, “he used for me.” In recent years, overseas architecture and design companies led by Hong Kong are rapidly becoming an important design force in the mainland market and have created many excellent works, especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. As one of the most vibrant cities in the Mainland real estate market, Hangzhou, Hong Kong architectural design firm and local developers are also growing cooperation. On such a historic occasion, on July 27, Hyatt Regency Hangzhou, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and Chamber of Commerce will co-host a presentation titled “Business Opportunities, Innovative Creativity, Creating Prosperity with Master Architects,” Hong Kong Building Design boutique exhibition. By then, nine outstanding architectural design firms from Hong Kong will bring their work to communicate with real estate industry colleagues in Hangzhou. Recently, the “Property Market” magazine went to Hong Kong to conduct an in-depth exchange with the outstanding designers of nine architectural design companies participating in the exhibition. In the process, we strongly felt the stronger business sense of Hong Kong’s architectural design industry And both Chinese and Western international experience. The “Property Market” hopes to help readers understand the outstanding design works and design concepts in Hong Kong through the production of this special project, bringing new ideas to urban construction and real estate in both cities and to building a better standard of housing in Hangzhou Good understanding and judgment.
近年来,以网络为基础的电子商务得到了快速发展。据美国Jupiter Communications公司估算,2006年全球在线B2B交易额达到15.1万亿美元。在日趋激烈的全球电子商务竞争的大环境
【摘 要】本文结合无功功率补偿的定义和原理,对配电网中节能降损方面进行了分析,并阐述了无功补偿方式及无功补偿装置的发展方向。  【关键词】无功功率;补偿;配电网  1.前言  随着国民经济的高速发展和人民生活水平的提高,人们对电力的需求日益增长,同时对供电的可靠性和供电质量提出了更高的要求。由于电网负荷的不断增加,不但改变了电力系统的网络结构和电源分布,而且造成系统的无功分布不尽合理,甚至可能出
A new genus,Sacculiphora gen.nov.,is described from China,with a new species,S.cultrata sp.nov.The new genus seems closely related to the genus Maculiphora Disn