
来源 :中国地产市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqgcsw2
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近8年来,全国住宅用地供应年均增长率为城镇人口增长率的3倍,理论上应能充分满足需求中央政府坚持房地产调控不放松、不动摇,多部门纷纷响应,国土资源部积极采取一系列措施,稳定房地产用地供应,抑制地价异常波动。我们对2012年房地产用地供应和房地产市场进行了以下分析。全国住宅用地供应总体平稳,年底供应量高峰属季节性波动。住宅用地供应呈现明显的季节性波动。从2008~2012年住宅用地供应月度数据看,上下半年供应总量大体在四六分成左右,而且每年年末达到 In recent eight years, the national average annual growth rate of residential land supply is three times the growth rate of urban population, in theory, should be able to fully meet the needs of the central government adhere to the real estate regulation and control do not relax, unshake, many departments have responded to the Ministry of Land and Resources to take a positive Series of measures to stabilize the supply of real estate land, inhibiting abnormal fluctuations in land prices. We conducted the following analysis of the 2012 real estate land supply and real estate market. The overall supply of residential land in the country is stable and the peak of supply by the end of the year is a seasonal fluctuation. Residential land supply showed obvious seasonal fluctuations. From 2008 to 2012 monthly supply of residential land supply data, the total supply in the first half of the year roughly divided into four or six, and reach the end of each year
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