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品牌公司具有可持续发展能力和长线投资价值;美国“漂亮50”的基本特征主要来自消费品行业、普遍是行业龙头公司、具有强有力的品牌、持续的业绩和红利增长、较高的PE品牌具有经济价值,强有力的品牌有可能是被低估了的隐蔽性资产。品牌价值被认知是历史的必然。从历史比较看,目前沪深股市的现状类似美国上世纪七十年代的证券市场,一是市场环境均是经过“概念股”的疯狂投机后泡沫破裂,市场正缺乏方向之时,二投资者结构发生深刻变化之时,基金发展进入第一次高潮,三是投资理念发生剧烈变化。对品牌的定量评价目前主要的方法有成本法、可比交易法和潜在利润法三类。以品牌价值为线索,我们对消费品行业公司进行了研究,筛选出了10家品牌价值卓越的上市公司,给予“买入”评级。 Brand companies have the capacity of sustainable development and long-term investment value. The basic characteristics of the “pretty 50” in the United States are mainly from the consumer goods industry. They are generally the leading companies in the industry, with strong brands, continuous performance and dividend growth. The higher PE brands have Economic value, a strong brand may be undervalued hidden assets. Brand value is recognized history is inevitable. From a historical perspective, the current situation in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets is similar to that of the securities market in the 1970s in the United States. First, the market environment is a bubble burst after the crazy speculative “concept stocks.” When the market is lacking in direction, two investors When the structure has undergone profound changes, the development of the fund has entered the first climax. Third, the investment concept has changed drastically. The main method of quantitative evaluation of the brand at present there are cost method, comparable transaction method and potential profit method three categories. Taking the brand value as the clue, we studied the consumer goods industry companies, screened out 10 listed companies with outstanding brand value and gave “buy” rating.
本文以寿光设施番茄生产体系为对象,研究了根层水肥调控技术(W2Fs)和增加促根管理的根层综合调控技术(W2 FR)对番茄产量、根系、氮素利用和土壤无机氮的影响.结果表明,设施番
以西兰花品种"独舞"为试材,研究了采前喷洒和浇灌1-甲基环丙烯水溶液对其贮藏品质的影响.实验结果表明,采前对西兰花进行喷洒和浇灌400μl/L 1-MCP水溶液处理能减少其失重率,
本文讨论的农牧产品收购地区差价、质量差价等问题值得注意,可供农牧业领导机关、价格管理部门、财政部门参考。 This article discusses the acquisition of agricultural
利用大孔树脂、ODS柱色谱柱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱、制备高效液相色谱等分离纯化方法,从川芎乙醇提取物的正丁醇部位分离得到3个丁基苯酞类新化合物,并综合运用UV、 IR、 HR
本研究旨在以“质量源于设计”(Quality by Design,QbD)理念为核心,应用热熔挤出3D打印技术制备对乙酰氨基酚缓释片,首先使用失效模式和效应分析法(failure mode and effects