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目的:研究黄体早期短程小剂量米非司酮用于常规避孕方法的可靠性。方法:选取86例月经周期一贯基本正常,且有正常性生活者,于月经第15天开始口服米非司酮片剂或胶囊试验避孕。以总剂量15~31.25mg为试验剂量,分次服用。分组:6.25mg/d×5d(A组,4例,受试5周期);6.25mg/d×4d(B组,12例,受试54周期);6.25mg/d×3d(C组,10例,受试43周期);5mg/d×3d(D组,60例,受试254周期)。观察避孕效果,并对可能月经滞迟延后者行HCG、B超等检查。结果:A组中,4例次月经推迟7~10天,HCG、B超等检查阴性,有效率100%,月经不正常率80%;B组中,5例次月经推迟5~7天,HCG、B超等检查阴性,有效率100%,月经不正常率9.26%;C组中,全部正常月经周期,月经正常率及避孕成功率均100%;D组中,2例次月经推迟5~7天,HCG、B超等检查阴性,有效率100%,月经不正常率0.78%。4组共获356个受试周期,避孕效果相同,因C、D组对月经几无影响,方案优于A、B组。结论:规律月经黄体早期(分泌期早期)短程小剂量米非司酮(如:5~6.25mg/d×3d)方法有希望试用于常规避孕。 Objective: To study the reliability of short-term and low-dose mifepristone for early contraception in early luteal phase. Methods: Totally 86 cases whose menstrual cycle was consistent with normal life and whose mifepristone tablets or capsules were started on the 15th day of menstruation were tested for contraception. The total dose of 15 ~ 31.25mg as the test dose, taking it in divided doses. Group B: 6.25mg / d × 5d (group A, 4, 5 cycles); 6.25mg / d × 4d (group B, 12cases, 54 cycles); 6.25mg / d × 3d 10 cases, 43 cycles); 5mg / d × 3d (D group, 60 cases, 254 cycles). Observe the effect of contraception, and delayed menstruation delayed HCG, B ultrasound examination. Results: In group A, four cases of postmenopausal menstruation were delayed for 7-10 days. HCG and B ultrasound were negative, the effective rate was 100% and abnormal menstruation rate was 80%. In group B, 5 cases were delayed for 5 ~ 7 days, HCG, B and other tests were negative, the efficiency of 100%, irregular menstruation rate of 9.26%; C group, all normal menstrual cycle, normal menstruation and contraception success rate were 100%; D group, 2 cases of postmenopausal postponed 5 ~ 7 days, HCG, B-negative examination, the effective rate of 100%, irregular menstruation rate of 0.78%. There were 356 test cycles in 4 groups with the same effect of contraception. The results of C and D groups had no effect on menstruation, and the results were better than those of A and B groups. CONCLUSIONS: Regular short-term, low-dose mifepristone (eg, 5-6.25 mg / d × 3d) in the regular early luteal phase of the menstrual period (early secretory phase) is promising for routine contraception.
今年73岁的王元院士,早在他二十六七岁那两年,就因证明出哥德巴赫猜想中的“3+4”及“2+3”命题而名声大振。2002年他又因一部科普作品——《华罗庚》,再度“出名”。 Wang
  Background: Anti-ErbB2 therapies have improved the prognosis of patients with breast cancer, but are associated with an increased risk of left ventricular (