
来源 :高考(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kzyzf
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最近几年,扬州市化学中考试卷中出现了实践探究题。这类题型能考查学生运用所学的概念和原理分析问题、解决问题的能力、语言表达能力、自我学习能力。其综合性较强、难度较大,学生失分较多。那么,如何指导学生提高解题的正确率呢?笔者认为,在平时的教学中,要指导学生学会判别实验探究题的基本类型,掌握试题的考查方向或角度,以及解读材料的基本方法和要求,并能结合材料与所学知识,灵活、科学地组织答案。 In recent years, Yangzhou City Chemistry examination papers appeared in practice exploration questions. This type of questions can examine students using the concepts and principles of analysis of the problem, problem solving skills, language skills, self-learning ability. Its comprehensive strong, more difficult, students lose more points. So, how to guide students to improve the accuracy of the problem-solving it? I believe that in normal teaching, we should guide students to learn to determine the basic types of experimental questions, master exam questions or point of view, as well as the interpretation of the basic method of materials and requirements , And can combine materials and knowledge, flexible and scientific organization of the answer.
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5月10日上午,沈阳市大东区洮昌街道吉祥社区关工委举办大型广场活动,主题为“感恩父母、点亮真情”。活动得到各有关领导部门的重视和支持,受到青少年 The morning of May 1
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脑出血急性期死亡率高,约占40%~70%。现将本科1991年2月~1994年12月住院71例分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:71例中男54例,女17例;40~49岁12例,50~59岁30例,60~69岁19例,70岁
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Aluminum hub is one of typical products with the comparative advantages.China’s aluminum hub industry is very competitive.In recent years,the value of export f
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