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2010年5月9日,由珠海水务集团有限公司承担的国家863重大科研项目“分散型水源地突发污染控制与饮用水安全保障技术开发及示范”中期检查汇报会在珠海召开。该项目52种珠海饮用水源潜在污染物快速检测技术、综合生物毒性在线监测技术、原水应急优化调度技术和全工艺流程污染削减技术等多项技术取得突破,将可为珠海、澳门饮用水源水质安全提供保障。目前项目已完成对西江流域广西梧州以下至珠海境内的污染物资料以及典型断面水源水一年四季度水质检测结果的分析,确定了珠海市水源地包括重金属、无机物、农药、苯系物、藻类等52种典型突发污染物名单,并从污染物特性、水质标准、检测方法、应急处理方法、示范工程应用情况五个方面进行了资料整理和成果总结;引入了国际国内前沿的预警水源水质状况的综合生物毒性在线监测技术,即以双壳贝类为探测生物 On May 9, 2010, Zhuhai Water Affairs Group Co., Ltd. undertook the 863 major scientific research project “Mid-term Inspection Report on the Development and Demonstration of Sudden Pollution Control and Drinking Water Safety Protection in Decentralized Water Sources” held in Zhuhai. A breakthrough was made in a number of technologies such as rapid detection of 52 potential pollutants in drinking water sources in Zhuhai, on-line monitoring of integrated biological toxicity, optimization of raw water emergency dispatching technology and pollution reduction technology of the whole process, which will be used for drinking water sources in Zhuhai and Macao Water quality and safety protection. At present, the project has completed the analysis of the water quality of pollutants within the Xijiang River basin from Wuzhou, Zhuhai, Guangxi Province, and the fourth quarter of a typical section of the source water, and determined that the water sources in Zhuhai include heavy metals, inorganic compounds, pesticides, Algae and other 52 kinds of typical sudden pollutants list, and from the pollutant characteristics, water quality standards, detection methods, emergency treatment methods, demonstration project application data summary and summary of the results; the introduction of international and domestic forewarning of water sources Integrated biological toxicity of water quality online monitoring technology, that is bivalve molluscs for the detection of biological
万里江山一片欢腾,神州大地重展新容,江总书记绽开笑脸,令天的太阳格外红。今天的太阳格外红——庆十五大有感@王玉才请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Wanli Ji
2013年2月23日,对外经济贸易大学竞争法中心在北京举办了“ICT产业竞争实验室成立暨互联网竞争与发展”研讨会。在会议上,与会者分享了国际知名反垄断专家David Evans和美国
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