
来源 :实用眼科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIZHAOAA
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例1 男3岁右眼睑肿胀1周,1985年3月入院。4个月前,患儿右枕部头皮下,出现小指头大小、无痛性皮下结节,此起彼伏。以后,右耳后又出现核桃大肿物一个。10多天后,自行消失。1周前,右上睑突然弥漫肿胀,4天后,下睑亦肿胀,不能视物,不痛。患儿有腹痛、稀便史。病前经常吃蟹。体检:发育营养中等,右上、下睑弥漫肿胀,眼裂闭合,不红,上睑可扪及一绿豆大小之硬节,无触痛。无结膜充血、无脓性分泌物。右枕部皮下,有0.5~1.5cm皮下结节6个。血嗜酸细胞39%,肺吸虫抗原皮内过敏试验强阳性反应。临床诊断肺吸虫病。以硫双二氯酚治疗,服药1周后,眼睑肿胀大部消退,可以睁眼,头部皮下结节缩小、变软。两个月后,上述症状完全消 Example 1 male 3-year-old right eyelid swelling for 1 week, March 1985 admission. 4 months ago, the right occiput in children under the scalp, there fingerlet size, painless subcutaneous nodules, one after another. Later, the right ear and then a large walnut one. More than 10 days, disappear on their own. A week ago, the right upper eyelid suddenly filled with swelling, 4 days later, the lower eyelid is also swollen, can not be seen, not pain. Children have abdominal pain, loose stool history. I often eat crabs before my illness. Physical examination: the development of nutrition medium, upper right, lower eyelid diffuse swelling, closed eyes, not red, palpable upper eyelid and a mung bean size hard, no tenderness. No conjunctival congestion, no purulent secretions. Right occipital subcutaneous, 0.5 ~ 1.5cm subcutaneous nodules 6. Blood eosinophils 39%, Paragonimus antigen intradermal allergy test strongly positive reaction. Clinic diagnosis of paragonimiasis. Sulfur bis-dichlorophenol treatment, medication after 1 week, most of eyelid swelling subsided, you can open your eyes, the head subcutaneous nodules shrink, become soft. Two months later, the above symptoms disappear completely
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日本五十铃汽车公司最近研制出一种使用碳纤维的轻量型汽车车体。 据此间报纸报道,五十铃汽车公司明年将推出使用碳纤维的载重汽车。这种汽车车体要比使 Japan’s Isuzu Mo
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在摩托车车轮碾过方寸天地的历史进程中,记载着它的起源、演变和发展的趣闻轶事,使人们有一种抚今追昔的感觉。 世界上第一辆两轮摩托车是德国人戈特利布.戴姆勒研制成功的,
例1 易×女63岁住院号1717双眼视力进行性下降2年。2年前无明显诱因双眼视物不清,视力下降,无头痛。曾在多家医院检查(包括眼底血管荧光造影),分别诊断为“晶体状混浊、视神