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只要你具备一些 internet 知识和为数有限的资金,配上一台电话和电脑,就可以坐在家里做起跨国生意,体验摸摸美金的滋味,听到这个好消息可别高兴得晕倒噢!本文公司的概念,指的是那些资金非常有限,人员也屈指可数的家庭式小公司,指的是那些可能只花几万元甚至几千元就可以在网络的虚拟空间运作的小公司。网上公司的收益大小,取决于它的知名度与网民访问率,所以你得通过各种免费途径宣传你的网站,你才有可能做成更多的生意。开办自己的网上公司并不困难,但也不是一蹴而就的。只有那些既肯付出艰辛劳动又懂得网络操作技巧的人才能获得事半功倍的效果。网上公司的失败,一个最重要的原因就是方向性错误,即你的产品或服务不适合在网上销售。所以最初的调研分析和市场定位是最重要的。 As long as you have some internet knowledge and a limited amount of funds, coupled with a telephone and computer, you can sit at home to start a multinational business experience the touch of the dollar, do not be happy to hear this good news fainted Oh! The concept of the company in this article refers to small, family-owned companies that have very limited funds and a small number of people. They refer to small companies that can operate in the cyber virtual space for only tens of thousands or even thousands of dollars. The size of revenue for an online company depends on its popularity and rate of internet access, so you have to promote your site through a variety of free channels to make it possible for you to do more business. Starting your own online company is not difficult, but it does not happen in one go. Only those who are willing to pay hard work and understand the skills of the network operators can get a multiplier effect. One of the most important reasons for the failure of an online company is the directional error that your product or service is not suitable for sale online. Therefore, the initial research and analysis and market positioning is the most important.
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