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在系统地研究了中国东部边缘海区引潮力、入射潮波、科氏力、水下地形、海岸形态及摩擦作用等因素对区域潮波系统形成影响的基础上 ,确定了中国东部边缘海的海岸轮廓是区域潮波系统形成的主导因素 ,认为模拟末次冰期最盛时期以来中国东部边缘海区潮波系统的形成过程需要 3个重要的控制性条件 ,即入射潮波、海岸线变迁过程和海面变化曲线。利用中国东部边缘海潮波系统与海岸演变模拟支持系统 ,对末次冰期最盛时期以来 30个时期中国东部边缘海区潮波系统的形成与演变过程进行了模拟再现研究 ,系统地恢复了在不同的海面高程、不同的岸线形态条件下全日潮、半日潮潮汐分布特征。模拟结果显示 ,末次冰期最盛时期以来 ,12 40 0 a B.P.和 75 0 0 a B.P.两个时间界限分别代表了旋转潮波系统—无潮点开始出现、中国东部边缘海潮波系统现代格局基本奠定这两个特征事件的发生时间 ,将中国东部边缘海潮波系统的演变过程划分为 3个发展时期。 On the basis of systematically studying the influence of tide force, incident tidal wave, Coriolis force, underwater topography, coast morphology and friction on the formation of regional tidal wave system in the eastern margin of China, the coast of the eastern margin of China The contour is the dominant factor in the formation of regional tidal wave system. It is considered that the formation of tidal wave system in the eastern margin of China requires three important controlling conditions since the end of the last ice age, namely the incident tidal wave, the coastline changing process and the sea surface changing curve. Using the system of the East China Sea tidal wave system and the coastal evolution simulation support system, the formation and evolution of the tidal wave system over the eastern edge of China since the heyday of the last ice age were simulated and reconstructed, systematically recovering different sea surface elevation , Tidal distributions of all day tide and half day tide under different shoreline morphological conditions. The simulation results show that the two time boundaries of 12 40 0 ​​a BP and 75 0 0 a BP, respectively, represent the rotational tidal wave system since the peak of the last ice age - no tidal point starts to appear, and the modern pattern of the tidal wave system in the eastern margin of China has basically been established The occurrence time of two characteristic events divides the evolution process of the tide wave system on the eastern edge of China into three development periods.
依据表层沉积物碳酸盐及元素 Ca、Sr、Ba特征 ,探讨了南黄海表层沉积物的来源及其动力成因。现代黄河物质及老黄河三角洲物质以高钙、高碳酸盐和高 Ca/ Sr比值为特征 ;海区东
茄子(Solanum melongena L.)是重要的蔬菜作物种类之一,我国是世界茄子栽培面积最大的国家。随着植物基因组学的发展,许多作物已经由传统育种进入分子育种阶段,但茄子分子育种还
<正> 1903年(光绪二十九癸卯) 12月4日:公审公廨“额外公堂”第二次开庭。首由被告律师爱礼司(F·Ellis)代章炳麟、邹容两人进行辩护。继由章炳麟供述本人经历,并就所作文章中的“载湉小丑”四字“触犯清帝圣讳”一事,申辩称:“小丑两字,本作小孩子解,并不毁谤;至今上圣讳,以西律不避,故而直书。”嗣由邹容供述本人简历,并对原告律师提出的问题,作出回答。审讯进行
以 18 5 5、195 4、1976年和 1992年的高潮线对比分析黄河三角洲海岸线的整体变化情况 ,表明在行河岸段 ,海岸线迅速向前淤进 ,而在非行河岸段 ,由于风浪、海流等侵袭 ,岸线