落实省委“军令状” 打胜江堤达标仗

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前不久,党中央召开了十五届三中全会,通过了《中共中央关于农业和农村工作若干重大问题的决定》,《决定》以较大篇幅阐述了加强水利基础设施建设的重要意义、基本原则和主要任务。最近,省委、省政府专门颁布了《进一步加快防洪保安基础设施建设的决定》,提出了今后一段时期水利建设的指导思想和方针,制定了到2010年前基本建立全国一流、国际先进的现代化防洪保安体系的目标。特别是在防汛抗洪期间,省委陈书记给我市下达了于1999年“五一”前全面完成江堤达标工程的“军令状”。党中央、省委和省政府的要求充分表明,中央、省高度重视水利基础建设,把水利作为重要的基础产业来抓,我们必须全面深刻领会中央和省的一系列指示精神,发扬抗洪精神,大干水利建设,把这个事关全局的大事抓紧抓好。 Not long ago, the Party Central Committee held the Third Plenary Session of the 15th Plenary Session and adopted the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues concerning Agriculture and Rural Work”. The “Decision” expounds in greater detail the important significance of strengthening the construction of water conservancy infrastructures. The basic Principles and main tasks. Recently, the CPC Central Committee and the provincial government promulgated the “Decision on Further Accelerating the Construction of Flood-Prevention and Security Infrastructure”, put forward the guiding ideology and guidelines for water conservancy construction in the coming period, and formulated a plan to basically establish a nation-class and internationally advanced modernization Flood control security system objectives. Especially during the period of flood control and flood fighting, Secretary Chen of the provincial party committee issued to our city a “military order” for the full completion of the river embankment compliance project before the “May Day” in 1999. The requirements of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have fully demonstrated that the central and provincial authorities attach great importance to water conservancy construction and take water conservancy as an important basic industry. We must fully and profoundly understand the series of directives of the Central Government and the province, Dafang water conservancy construction, take this matter related to the overall situation pay close attention to.
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初春的天气,乍暖还寒,我们一行三人来杨凌水电站工地采访。刚一下车,工地那红旗招展、机声轰鸣,热火朝天的劳动场面便让我们感受到春天的温暖 The weather in early spring
高速磨削技术的经济意义在于降低磨削机动时间 ,提高生产率 ,提高磨削表面加工精度。改装外圆磨床 ,使我国大部分七十年代末生产的现正在使用的磨床提速作业 ,增加效益。本文
9月 1 6日上午 ,协和医院领导及麻醉科同仁在行政楼举行仪式 ,聘请世界著名麻醉学专家美籍华人K .C .Wong教授为我院麻醉科客座教授 .受聘仪式由麻醉科主任姚尚龙教授主持 .
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