Clinicopathologic features of surgically resected primary gastric lymphoma

来源 :世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shimin_job
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AIM: To analyze the clinicopathologic characteristics of surgically resected gastric lymphoma patients.METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 57 surgically resected gastric lymphoma patients, dividing them into 2subgroups: Low grade MALToma (the LG group), High grade MALToma and Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (the HG group).RESULTS: The numbers of patients were: 20 in the LG group,37 in the HG group. The diagnostic rate of gastroscopy was 34.8% at primary diagnosis and 50% including differential diagnoses. The positive rates of H pyloriwere similar between the 2 groups (68% vs 77%). Multiple lesions were found in 19.3%. The proportion of mucosal and submucosal lesions was 80.0%(16/20) in the LG group, and 24.3%(9/37) in the HG group (P<0.001). Lymph node invasion rates were 10.5%(2/19) in the LG group and 44.1%(15/34) in the HG group (P=0.031). The numbers of recurred patients were none in the LG group, and 8 in the HG group. By univariant analysis, group (P=0.024) and TNM stage (stage Ⅰ, Ⅱ vs stages Ⅲ, Ⅳ, P=0.002) were found to be the significant risk factors. There was a tendency of higher recurrence rate in the subtotal gastrectomy group than in the total gastrectomy group (P=0.50).CONCLUSION: The HG groups had a more advanced stage and a higher recurrence rate than the LG group. Although there was no difference between subtotal and total gastrectomies, more careful assessments of multiplicities and radical resections with lymph node dissections seem to be needed because of multiplicity and LN invasion even in LG group.
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