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  【Abstract】The problem of testing the normal covariance matrix equal to a specified matrix is considered.A new Chi-Square test statistic is derived for multivariate normal population.Unlike the likelihood ratio test,the new test is an exact one.
  【Key words】exact test; Chi-Square test; likelihood ratio test
  1.Introduction of the Problem
  Suppose we have a sampleand we want to test the problemvs,whereis a known matrix.It is easy to see that the problem is invariant under the changeswhere T is nonsingular.Therefore,without loss of generality,we can assume that,the identity matrix.
  2.The Test Procedure
  Letbe the sample means and sample covariance,and the -th component of S,where.The null becomes .let .It is easy to see that H0 is equivalent to.
  For testing,there is a well known test statistics nS11and under .
  For testing,we regressonand get
  Letthenandunder H0,and they can be used for testing respectively.Moreover,the three statistics above are independent under H0,so we combine them together and get a new statistics:
  Let ,and then under H0,.
  Finally,we get an exact test which is totally different from the ones we have already:
  If or,reject the null H0 at level .
  3.The Generalization
  At the end,we point out that the test can be easily extended to the p-variate normal cases where p>2.but the notation will become very complicated.So,we just point out this and do not show the results.
  4.Concluding Remarks
  In this article,we have developed a Chi-Square test procedure for testing a normal covariance matrix equal to a given matrix.Unlike the usual likelihood ratio test,the Chi-Square test is an exact one and easy to apply.Moreover,the powers of the Chi-Square test are always higher than are those of LRT,especially for small samples.In a word,the Chi-Square test is superior to the LRT.
  [1]Das Gupta,S.,1969.Properties of power functions of some tests concerning dispersion matrices of multivariate normal distributions.Ann.Math.Statist.40,697-701.
  [2]Muirhead,R.J.,1982.Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Theory.Wiley,New York.
  [3]Seber,G.A.F.,1984.Multivariate Observations,Wiley,New York.
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语文教学往往过多地注重语言的反复训练,而忽视学生的心理状况。任何知识的学习过程都包含着一系列复杂的心理活动,只有符合教育心理规律,才能更好地指导学生学习语文。 Chi