Comparative proteomic study of colorectal carcinoma with different clinical stages

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tezon1
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Objective: Colorectal carcinoma clinical stage associated proteins would be found by comparing differential expressed proteins from colorectal carcinoma tissues with different clinical stages. Methods: Total protein from colorectal carcinoma tissues were extracted; differential proteome profiles were established and analyzed by means of immobilized pH gradient-based two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Results: Well-resolved, reproducible 2-DE profiles of human colorectal carcinoma tissues were obtained. Average protein spots were 970 ± 41, 980 ± 32, 1010 ± 43, 1240 ± 34 in stage I, stage II, stage III, stage IV respectively; Compared to stage I, differential expressed protein spots was 52.00 ± 12 in stage II, 42.00 ± 11 in stage III, 72.00 ± 15 in stage IV; Part of differential expressing proteins were analyzed by mass spectrometry and bioinformation, 19 of them were well characterized. Three proteins were overexpressed in stage I, stage III, stage IV, and one protein were overexpressed in stage IV exclusively. Conclusion: Differential expressed proteins exist in clinical stage of colorectal carcinoma, which would be biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of prognosis. Objective: Colorectal carcinoma clinical stage associated proteins would be found by comparing differential expressed proteins from colorectal carcinoma tissues with different clinical stages. Methods: Total protein from colorectal carcinoma tissues were extracted; differential proteome profiles were established and analyzed by means of immobilized pH gradient- based two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Results: Well-resolved, reproducible 2-DE profiles of human colorectal carcinoma tissues were The average protein spots were 970 ± 41, 980 ± 32, 1010 ± 43, 1240 ± 34 in stage I, stage II, stage III, stage IV respectively; Compared to stage I, the differential expressed protein spots was 52.00 ± 12 in stage II, 42.00 ± 11 in stage III, 72.00 ± 15 in stage IV; Part of differential expressing proteins were analyzed by mass spectrometry and bioinformation, 19 of them were well characterized. Three proteins were overexpressed in stage I, stage III, stage IV, and one protein were overexpressed in stage IV exclusively. Conclusion: Differential expressed proteins exist in clinical stage of colorectal carcinoma, which would be biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of prognosis.
最近,耶鲁大学英语系哈罗德·布鲁姆教授(Sterling Professor of the Humanities andEnglish)应《外国文学研究》杂志主编聂珍钊教授的邀请,担任杂志顾问。布鲁姆教授于1955
我局成立于 1 991年 ,负责区委、区政府等五套班子的行政事务管理和服务保障工作。几年来 ,我们按照管理科学化、保障法制化、服务社会化的要求 ,结合精简机构和转变职能 ,积
宋美龄是个标准的电影迷,蒋介石则未看过一部完整的电影;她喜欢抽烟,但蒋介石在场的时候尽量不抽;她把化妆当作是一种社会礼仪,而且很严格地划分“等级”。 She was a stand
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