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  Diana Jacobs thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college for her 21-year-old twin sons: a combination of savings, income, scholarships, and a modest amount of borrowings. Then her husband lost his job, and then the plan fell apart.
  “I have two kids in college, and I want to say ‘ come home’, but at the same time I want to provide them with a good education,” says Jacobs.
  The Jacobs family did work out a solution: They asked and received more aid from the schools, and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan program. They will each graduate with $20,000 of debt, but at least they will be able to finish school.
  With unemployment rising, financial aid administrators expect to hear more families like the Jacobs. More students are applying for aid, and more families expect to need student loans. College administrators are concerned that they will not have enough aid money to go around.
  At the same time, tuition continue to rise. A report form the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education found that college tuition and fees increased 439% from 1982 to 2007, while average family income rose just 147%. Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade.
  “If we go on this way for another 25 years, we won’t have an affordable system of higher education,” says Patrick M. Callen, president of the center. “The middle class families have been financing it through debt. They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.
  Financial aid administrators have been having a hard time as many companies decide that students loans are not profitable enough and have stopped making them. The good news, however, is that federal loans account for about three quarters of student borrowing, and the government says that money will flow uninterrupted.
  1.According to Paragraph 1, why did the plan the Jacobs family fail?   A.The twins wasted too much money
  B.The father was out of work.
  C.Their savings ran out
  D.The family fell apart
  2.How did the Jacobs manage to solve their problem?
  A.They asked their kids to come home.
  B.They borrowed $20,000 from the school.
  C.They encouraged their sons to do part-time jobs.
  D.They got help from the school and the federal government.
  3.Financial aid administrators believe that .
  A.More families will face the same problem as the Jacobs
  B.The government will receive more letters of complaint
  C.College tuition fees will double soon
  D.America’s unemployment will fall
  4.What can we learn about the middle class families from the text?
  A.They blamed the government for the tuition increase
  B.Their income remained steady in the last decade
  C.They will try their best to send kids to college
  D.Their debts will be paid off within 25 years
  5.According to the last paragraph, the government will .
  A.Provide most students with scholarships
  B.Dismiss some financial aid administrators
  C.Stop the companies from making student loans
  D.Go on providing financial support for college students
  Arthur Miller (1915-2005) is universally recognized as one of the greatest dramatists of the 20th century. Miller’s father had moved to the USA from Austria Hungary, drawn like so many others by the “Great American Dream”. However, he experienced severe financial hardship when his family business was ruined in the Great Depression of the early 1930s.
  1.Why did Arthur Miller’s father move to the USA?
  A.He suffered from severe hunger in his home country.
  B.He was attracted by the “Great American Dream”
  C.He hoped to make his son a dramatist.
  D.His family business failed.
  “那栋大楼冒烟了”。从这句话中我们可以推断出 。
  那栋大楼在冒烟 B. 那栋大楼里有烟
  C. 那栋大楼里冒出来的是烟 D. 那栋大楼里有东西在燃烧
  One day, when I was working as a psychologist in England, an adolescent boy showed up in my office. It was David. He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly. His head teacher had referred him to me. “This boy has lost his family,” he wrote. “He is understandably every sad and refuses to talk to others, and I’m very worried about him. Can you help?”   1.When he first met the author, David .
  A.Felt a little excited B. Walked energetically
  C. Looked a little nervous D. Showed up with his teacher
  If a diver surfaces too quickly, he may suffer the bends. Nitrogen dissolved in his blood is suddenly liberated by the reduction of pressure. The consequence, if the bubbles accumulate in a joint, is sharp pain and a bent body—thus the name. If the bubbles form in his lungs or his brain, the consequence can be death.
  Which of the following is a typical symptom of the bends?
  A twisted body. B. A gradual decrease in blood supply.
  C. A sudden release of nitrogen in blood D. A drop in blood pressure
  Some people think that success in only for those with talent or those who grow up in the right family, and others believe that success mostly comes down to luck. I’m not going to say luck, talent, and circumstances don’t come into play because they do. Some people are born into the right family while others are born with great intelligence, and that’s just the reality of how life is.
  1.Paragraph 1 mainly talks about .
  A.The reason for success B. The meaning of success
  C. The standards of success D. The importance of success
  逻辑关系多以转折、因果居多,目的是为了引出重点,包括文章的论点,作者的态度、观点等。逻辑关系词如同是指路明灯,因此通过逻辑关系可直接略过干扰信息,快速定位到文章的有效信息。常见的逻辑关系词有:but/however/even if(though)/although/so等。
  It doesn’t mean that you should dress as a superhero for you next job interview. But, next time you are tested in a way that seems impossible, imagine what it would take to overcome it. Become the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it in your mind first. So, let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream.
  1.In the last paragraph, you are advised .
  A.To go through some difficult tests
  B.To wake up from your wild dreams
  C.To become a powerful person in your mind
  D.To wear expensive clothes for job interviews
  The advanced EP also heats the room evenly, wall to wall and floor to ceiling. It comfortably covers an area up to 350 square feet. Other heaters heat rooms unevenly with most of the heat concentrated to the center of the room. And they only heat an area a few feet around the heater. With the EP, the temperature will not vary in any part of the room.
  1.The underlined word “evenly” in paragraph 4 probably means _____.
  A.Continuously B. Separately C. Quickly D. Equally
  But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, people named J.K Rowling, John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella(ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I’ll come clean: I do this and am astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so).
  1.What is the author’s attitude to 58% of readers?
  A.Favorable B. Uncaring C. Doubtful D. Friendly
【摘要】以人为本该教育理念的提出,在教育教学活动开展中,要使每一学生都获得发展。在此指导下,传统的班级授课制下统一教学方式显得弊端重重。基于此,我在组织中专英语教学活动的时候,尝试立足学生的个性差异,采取分层教学的方式,针对不同层级的学生,实施不同的教学内容和教学方式,以此帮助每一层级的学生都能获得发展。  【关键词】中专英语;分层教学;实施对策  【作者简介】马燕,兰州理工中等专业学校。  学生
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展进步和课程改变的逐渐深入,对教育提出了更高的要求,教学方式也由传统的教学方法转变为智能化的上课方式,现如今,为了符合社会的需求,大学的英语教学面临着前所未有的挑战,要让英语教学迈向数字化、人文化、实效化和工具化。本文致力于分析资源化和智能化视角下大学英语写作教学的变化。  【关键词】资源化与智能化;大学英语;写作教学  根据时代对教育的要求,我们可以清楚的了解到大学英语未
【摘要】近年来,随着新课程改革的逐步推进,中国对英语越来越重视,小學英语教学的方法也显得越来越重要。根据小学生的年龄,可以使用游戏教学方法,效果非常明显。让小学生在娱乐中学习,这极大地提高了教学质量。作为一名小学英语教师,有必要根据教学的实际情况开展深入的英语课堂教学活动,以提高教学和培养的有效性,提高小学生的综合素养。  【关键词】游戏教学法;小学英语教学;应用策略  【作者简介】陈莉莉,广东省
【摘要】教学反思是促进小学英语教师专业成长,优化课堂教学、助力学生发展的重要路径。本文依据反思性教学理论阐述了小学英语教师教学反思的意义与价值,即为什么要进行教学反思,反思什么,如何运用反思性教学,促进课堂教学。  【关键词】反思性教学;英语教师;方法  【作者简介】李媛(1984.10- ),女,汉族,广东惠州人,广东惠州市大亚湾西区第一小学,本科,小学英语一级教师。  一、小学英语教师教学反思
【摘要】随着世界化知识水平的大幅度提高,许多外国人来到美丽的中国,英语也随之逐渐流入中国。在当今时代,英语已经成为学生的重点学习科目,并且被列为三大主科之一。由此看来,英语知识的掌握与学习已经与我们的生活密不可分。因此,作为一名优秀的高中英语教师,我们要让学生更好的了解英语,学好英语,日后成为国家的可用人才。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;时代性  【作者简介】花燕,江苏省仪征市大仪中学。  初
【摘要】人机对话作为初中英语教学必不可少的环节,关系到学生的学习信心与升学情况。下文主要以现阶段初中英语人机对话训练工作开展情况为基础,结合近年来工作经验,以人教版英语教材内容为例,对初中英语人机对话训练学习策略进行分析。  【关键词】初中;英语;人机对话;策略;初中生  【作者简介】罗豫斌,浙江省临海市杜桥实验中学。  近日宁波市教育局发布了《意见》,文件指出自从2018年起,全市初中将实施英语
【摘要】本文着眼于如何提升初中英语教学的有效性問题展开探讨,笔者结合个人在这方面的一些实践工作经验提出几点思考,希望借阅者能够积极提出改进意见。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂教学;高效课堂  【作者简介】朱玲(1982.11.20-),女,汉族,甘肃成县人, 甘肃省成县城关中学,本科,研究方向:初中英语教学研究。  关于有效性教学其关键之处在于学生方面是否可以学到更多东西,并且又是否可以对知识更深入