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今年3月份开始,本刊开辟了《三项学习教育之窗》,来稿踊跃。因篇幅所限,我刊仅发了其中一小部分。至本期,此栏目已按计划告一段落。此栏目举办的成功,与广大读者、作者的热情支持是分不开的。特别是投稿未登的朋友,其奉献精神更令人感佩。编辑部向所有的热心支持者表示衷心的感谢!《三项学习教育之窗》栏目将告一段落,但三项学习教育活动仍在深入进行。本期刊登了王卫明《党报与执政能力建设》、王永亮与章彦《党报创新答三问》两文,探讨了新闻界如何贯彻十六届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》的重要课题。随着新一轮学习教育的开展,我们马克思主义新闻工作者的理论与实践活动,必将更上一层楼。希望广大读者、作者以更大的热情,继续支持我们的工作。 Beginning in March this year, this issue opened the “three learning and education window”, contributions enthusiastically. Due to the limited space, I published only a small part of it. To this issue, this section has come to an end according to plan. The success of this section, with the readers, the author’s enthusiastic support is inseparable. In particular, the contribution of unpaid friends, their dedication more admirable. The editorial department expresses heartfelt thanks to all enthusiastic supporters! The “Three Learning and Education Window” section will come to an end, but the three learning and education activities are still under way. In this issue, Wang Weiming published two articles entitled “Party Newspaper and Ruling Capacity Building,” Wang Yongliang and Zhang Yan, “Three Questions about the Innovation of Party Newspaper,” and discussed how the press carried out the “Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Governing Capability Decision ”of the important issue. With the launching of a new round of study and education, the theoretical and practical activities of our Marxist journalists will certainly rise to the next level. We hope that readers and authors will continue to support our work with greater enthusiasm.
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