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2009年年初,省委召开全省农村基层组织建设工作座谈会,明确提出,当前和今后一个时期,要重点实施农村基层党组织“固本强基工程”、农村基层干部“素质提升工程”、农村党员“创业带富工程”。中组部对此给予充分肯定。3月12日,中央政治局委员、书记处书记、中组部部长李源潮批示:“吉林省推进农村基层组织建设的‘三项工程’是创新之举,可以向全国介绍。”6月24日,《中共吉林省委关于农村基层组织建设“三项工程”的实施意见》出台。《意见》指出:“坚持以改革创新精神推进农村基层组织建设‘三项工程’,着力破解影响和制约农村基层组织建设的突出问题,力争通过3年左右时间的努力,使农村基层党组织领导核心地位明显提高,农村基层干部整体素质明显提高,农村党员创业带富能力明显提高,促进农村经济健康发展,促进农村社会和谐稳定,让广大农民群众满意。”白山市委按照“高标准、严要求、大投入、求实效”的原则,行动迅速,措施得力,开局良好。本刊对白山市实施“三项工程”的初步情况进行专题报道,以期推进这项工程在全省全面健康地发展。 At the beginning of 2009, the provincial party committee held a forum on the work of building rural grassroots organizations in the province. It clearly stated that at present and for some time in the future, it is necessary to give priority to the implementation of the basic grass-roots party organizations in rural areas, Project “, rural party ” business with rich project “. The Central Organization Department fully affirmed this. On March 12, Li Yuanchao, member of the Central Bureau of Political Affairs, secretary of the Secretariat and minister of the Central Organization Department, commented: ”The“ three projects ”of promoting the building of rural grass-roots organizations in Jilin Province are innovative and can be introduced to the whole country. On January 24, “Opinions on Implementation of the Three Projects” of “Jilin Provincial CPC Committee on Building Grassroots Organizations in Rural Areas” were promulgated. The Opinions pointed out: “We will adhere to the three projects that promote the building of rural grassroots organizations with the spirit of reform and innovation, strive to crack down on prominent issues that will affect and constrain the building of rural grassroots organizations, and strive to bring about efforts by rural grassroots party organizations The core of the leadership has been markedly improved. The overall quality of rural grassroots cadres has been markedly improved. The ability of rural party members to start their own businesses has obviously improved, and the sound development of rural economy has been promoted, and social harmony and stability in rural areas have been promoted and the masses of peasants have been satisfied. ” Strict requirements, great investment, and practical results “, we are quick to act, effective measures and have a good start. The publication of Baishan City, the implementation of ”three projects " the initial situation of special reports, with a view to promoting this project in a comprehensive and healthy development of the province.
对福州福清、莆田东洋镇、泉州晋江采集的田间健康及发生青枯病的茄子植株进行可培养内生细菌的分离,从中分离到以Bacillus spp.为主要类群的19类内生细菌。茄子内生细菌的种
本论文以为害豇豆(Vignasinensis)等豆科作物的重要害虫-豇豆荚螟(Marucavitrata(Fabricius))为研究对象,对其性信息素进行了初步研究。 扫描电镜观察结果表明,豇豆荚螟成虫