世纪之交的马来半岛,风光似乎格外迷人。一场豪雨之后,冉冉上升的骄阳,燃起一丛淡绿间红的火焰,摇动着,跳跃着,闪耀着一片神奇的光华,射向四季如春的半岛上,编织成一幅灿烂辉煌的画卷。 这是具有特殊意义的1999年11月上旬。作为中国学者,我和我在日本大阪大学经济系攻读博士学位的女儿张开玫,应邀赴马来西亚参加第十五届世界客属恳亲大会和第五届国际客家学术研讨会。11月7日是马来西亚的屠妖节,是当地普天同
Malay Peninsula at the turn of the century, the scenery seems particularly charming. After a torrential rain, the sun rising slowly raised a light green-red flame, shaking, jumping, and shining with a magical glory on a peninsula that lasted like a spring, woven into a magnificent picture . This is of special significance in early November 1999. As a Chinese scholar, Zhang and I, my daughter who studied for a doctoral degree in the Department of Economics of Osaka University in Japan, were invited to Malaysia to attend the 15th World Hakka Meetings and the Fifth International Hakka Symposium. November 7 is Malaysia’s Deepavali, is the same everywhere