
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xy0382
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The clinical data of two adolescents with unilateral nasal cavity neoplasm were analyzed.Both were male,one was 14-year-old and the other was 17.Both were complained of unilateral nasal obstruction and nasal discharge;The course of disease of the former was one month,and that of the latter was three month;both were found neoformation in unilateral nasal cavity in medical examination.Occupying lesion in unilateral nasalcavity and sinus were demonstrated in CT scan of two cases.Endoscopy surgery were operated in both cases,incisal opening in labiogingival groove was added in the latter.Pathology of the former was capillary hemangioma and the latter was rhabdomyosarcoma.No findings indicating recurrence has been observed in two cases under 6 months follow-up.Recognition at nasal cavity and paranasal sinus neoplasm in adolescent is essential so thatproper management can be initiated. Abstract:Summary The clinical data of two adolescents with unilateral nasal cavity neoplasm were analyzed.Both were male,one was 14-year-old and the other was 17.Both were complained of unilateral nasal obstruction and nasal discharge;The course of disease of the former was one month,and that of the latter was three month;both were found neoformation in unilateral nasal cavity in medical examination.Occupying lesion in unilateral nasalcavity and sinus were demonstrated in CT scan of two cases.Endoscopy surgery were operated in both cases,incisal opening in labiogingival groove was added in the latter.Pathology of the former was capillary hemangioma and the latter was rhabdomyosarcoma.No findings indicating recurrence has been observed in two cases under 6months follow-up.Recognition at nasal cavity and paranasal sinus neoplasm in adolescent is essential so thatproper management can be initiated. The clinical data of two adolescents with unilateral nasal cavity neoplasm were analyzed.Both were male, one was 14-year-old and the other was 17.Both were complained of unilateral nasal obstruction and nasal discharge; The course of disease of the former was one month, and that of the latter was three months; both were found neoformation in unilateral nasal cavity in medical examination. Occupy lesion in unilateral nasalcavity and sinus were demonstrated in CT scan of two cases. Endoscopy surgery were operated in both cases, incisal opening in labiogingival groove was added in the latter. Pathology of the former was capillary hemangioma and the latter was rhabdomyosarcoma. No law indicating the recurrence has been observed in two cases under 6 months follow-up. Recognition at nasal cavity and paranasal sinus neoplasm in adolescent is essential: that thatproper management can be initiated. Abstract: Summary The clinical data of two adolescents with unilateral nasal cavity neoplasm were analyzed.B oth were male, one was 14-year-old and the other was 17.Both were complained of unilateral nasal obstruction and nasal discharge; The course of disease of the former was one month, and that of the latter was three month; both were found neoformation in unilateral nasal cavity in medical examination. Occupy lesion in unilateral nasalcavity and sinus were demonstrated in CT scan of two cases. Endoscopy surgery were operated in both cases, incisal opening in labiogingival groove was added in the latter. Pathology of the former was capillary hemangioma and the latter was rhabdomyosarcoma. No study indicating recurrence has been observed in two cases under 6months follow-up. Recognition at nasal cavity and paranasal sinus neoplasm in adolescent is essential so thatproper management can be initiated.
桃浦地区是上海的一个工业区,工业较为集中,特别是有较多的小工业,为了解小工业的职业卫生现状,我们对桃浦地区小工业进行了一次全面的调查。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 调查对象为1997年12月
【英国《国际核工程》 1999年 4月报道】将核电厂离线时间减至最小是停役管理人员十分关心的问题。在重大维修和停堆换料期间对许多活动的协调需要严格掌握电厂和合同人员的
采用海水压力罐模拟深海高压环境,利用电化学阻抗谱(EIS)、三维视频显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等手段,对比研究了改性环氧防腐涂层在常压海水环境和模拟深海高压环境(6 MPa