家有小女,好动、话多。上小学一年级,班主任数次请家长面批“该生自控能力差”。为此,我俩口没少费心对其进行思想教育甚至施以家法,效果不大,带她去医院检查,无异常。大夫讲:“多动是这一代孩子的普遍现象。大人应善于诱导,以多种形式吸引她的注意力,逐渐地帮她克服毛病。”遵医嘱,就多形式吧,给她报了电子琴班、绘画班、书写班等等,在妻的严厉监督之下,看着女儿一脸不情愿的样子,为父的内心不忍又无奈。 一次,出差数天傍晚归家,妻开门迎接,手指压嘴:“嘘——小家伙正用功呢,已60分钟了。”轻推房门侧视,见其端坐,手拿水彩笔,写写划划。心
Have a daughter, so active, words and more. First grade in primary school, the class teacher several times, please face batch “poor self-control ability.” For this reason, the two of us have not bothered to educate them on their own ideology and even impose the Family Law on them, which is not effective enough to take her to the hospital for examination. There is no exception. The doctor said: “Being hyperactive is a common phenomenon for this generation of children.” Adults should be good at inducing and in various forms to attract her attention and gradually help her to overcome the problems. “As directed by the doctor, Classes, drawing classes, writing classes, etc., under the harsh supervision of his wife, looking at her daughter look of resentment, the father’s heart can not bear and helpless. Once, go home a few days in the evening on a business trip, the wife opens the door to greet, finger pressure mouth: ”Hush - little guy is using it, 60 minutes." Push the door side view, Write and write planning. heart