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我不是村里最不听话的孩子。但是母亲或许并不那么认为。至少,她觉得我应该把她托人介绍的亲事答应下来,然后才有资格跟她去谈出门打工的事情。她不再躲进屋里低声训斥,而是变得峻颜厉色,甚至有些歇斯底里。说她声震屋瓦,确实有些夸张,但是同住一个四合院里的叔叔,包括另外一家近邻,神色显然不同于往常了。“你不应该那样气你的母亲,你的父亲才死了多久?”他们阴沉着脸,说罢就走开了。他们不理解我的憋屈,我和他们也缺乏坦诚的交流。母亲训斥我时涕泗横流,让人心脏紧缩和发冷。“你太不安分了!”她说。这是很伤人的话,充满了失 I am not the most disobedient child in the village. But my mother may not think so. At least, she felt that I should promise her parents to introduce the relatives, and then be eligible to talk to her out of work. Instead of hiding in the house, she whispered reproofs, but she became stiff and even hysterical. She was shocking to say that she was exaggerated, but her uncle, who lived in a courtyard, including another neighbor, was apparently different from usual. “You should not be so angry with your mother, how long will your father die? ” They gloomy face, walked away. They do not understand my Biequ, I also lack of frank exchanges with them. When my mother reprimanded me, my heart burst and chills. “You’re too restless!” She said. This is a very hurt words, full of loss
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1 范 围本标准规定了家用太阳热水器的产品分类、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则以及标志、包装。本标准适用于自然循环式非聚光家用太阳热水器(以下简称热水器)。其它类型
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