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全国第三次文艺工作者代表大会是在严峻的、复杂的国内外形势下筹备、召开的。这里先讲一下当时的大背景。 国际共产主义运动本来是在激烈地论争中形成发展的。但是,中苏两个马列主义政党执政的大国意识形态的激烈斗争,无疑对国际共产主义运动,以至国际形势、国家关系、国内政策都发生巨大的、深远的影响,更不用说敏感的文化艺术了。当时,以毛泽东为首的党中央顶住赫鲁晓夫的压力,拒绝苏联政府提出的所谓 The third national congress of writers and artists was prepared and convened under the severe and complex domestic and international situations. Here to talk about the background of the time. The international communist movement was originally developed in fierce debate. However, the fierce struggle between the ideologies of the two Sino-Soviet Marxist-Leninist parties and the ruling power of the big nation will undoubtedly have a profound and far-reaching impact on the international communist movement and on the international situation, national relations and domestic policies, let alone sensitive cultural and artistic activities It’s At that time, the party Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong resisted the pressure of Khrushchev and rejected the so-called so-called proposed by the Soviet government
The characteristics of spinal cord-evoked potentials were investigated by using an in vitro spinal cord preparation. The spinal cord isolated from adult rats wa
幼儿园是否安全,是家长为孩子选择幼儿园时考虑的主要因素之一。美国幼儿园在保障孩子安全,尤其是在管理孩子进出方面,做得非常细致。  首先,在孩子入园前,家长需要填大量的表格,其中有一项就是按照优先顺序,填写谁能接送孩子,包括姓名、电话、与孩子的关系。只有登记过的人,才能把孩子接走。如果有急事拜托其他人代接孩子,必须事先和学校沟通,指定一个密码,由学校记录下来,等他人来接时,既要对上密码,还要出示本人
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The distribution of six lectin receptors, WGA, RCA-1, LCA, PSA, PNA and SBA in 111 human gliomas, 8 human normal brain tissues and 11 reactive hyperplasia of a
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