Units 1—2知识要点精练

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  1. Would now be a ____ moment to show the slides?
  A. suitableB. fitC. matchD. suited
  2. I was born in a faraway village ____ which there was no school ____ ten kilometers.
  A. in; withinB. from; inC. of; inD. from; within
  3. ____ is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.
  A. ItB. AsC. ThatD. What
  4. We can judge that he is very ____ from the ____ looks on his face.A. excited; excitedB. excited; exciting
  C. exciting; excitingD. exciting; excited
  5. No words would move him. He kept his mouth ____.
  A. tightly shuttingB. tight shutting
  C. tightly closedD. tight closing
  6. Either you or the headmaster ____ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting.
  A. is handing outB. are to hand out
  C. are handing outD. is to hand out
  7. Mr Smith is ____ a teacher; he is also our good friend.
  A. other thanB. rather thanC. more thanD. less than
  8. The instrument as well as other spare parts ____ going to be air-lifted soon.
  A. isB. areC. beD. will
  9. People ____ more and more upon computers for help nowadays.
  A. relyB. replaceC. reachD. reduce
  10. We must ____ that we are strongly against all kinds of terrorism.
  A. make it clearB. make this clear
  C. make it clearlyD. make this clearly
  11. ____ was the lawyer that concluded the woman ____.
  A. That; wrong B. It; to be wrong
  C. This; was wrong D. It; wrong
  12. The new evidence has ____ the first witness’s story.
  A. confused B. confirmedC. consideredD. informed
  13. The blue blanket has ____ over the years.
  A. fadedB. soldC. paledD. disappeared
  14. He walked slowly ____ his heart.
  A. on no accountB. on all account
  C. on account ofD. by all accounts
  15. I read a famous play the Merchant of Venice, which was ____ in Italy.
  A. happenedB. taken placeC. foundedD. set
  16. The students in the college are all taking courses ____ a degree.
  A. sticking toB. leading to
  C. turningD. belonging to
  17. The slavery in Europe ____ in ancient times.
  A. came into effectB. was made up
  C. were builtD. came into existence
  18. ____ warmly for his work, Larry was too excited ____ asleep.
  A. Praising; to fallB. To praise; to fall
  C. Praised; fallingD. Praised; to fall
  19. If you had ____ your text paper carefully before handing it in, you would have made fewer mistakes.
  A. looked upB. thought about
  C. gone overD. gone round
  20. He has not a dollar ____, but he is working hard to earn money.
  A. form his nameB. to his name
  C. under his nameD. in the name of his own
  21. Now all fishing boats are radio ____.
  A. equippedB. affordedC. furnishedD. supplied
  22. Facing the ____ situation the sales manager looked ____.
  A. puzzling; puzzledB. puzzling; puzzling
  C. puzzled; puzzledD. puzzled; puzzling
  23. Your brother likes to play golf; he’s really enthusiastic ____ it.A. byB. withC. onD. about
  24. People now do not believe in the ____ of ghosts.
  A. birthB. evidenceC. existenceD. occurrence
  25. The latest figures put forward by the state suggested that the business ____ improving.
  A. wasB. beC. bringD. should
  26. I arrived late; I ____ the road to be so icy.
  A. wouldn’t expectB. haven’t expected
  C. hadn’t expectedD. wasn’t expecting
  27. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ____ for another hour. A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. to be waiting
  28. The army has ____ grain. They are in a very difficult situation.
  A. run downB. run out ofC. run offD. run into
  29. ____ them, I had no one to talk to.
  A. Take apartB. Set apartC. Fall apartD. Apart from
  30. Let me know if any difficulties ____.
  A. comeB. ariseC. riseD. happen
动词的时态是中学英语教学的重点,也是高考考查的热点。教学大纲所规定的要掌握的八种常用时态出现在高考题中,往往因语境和考查角度的变化而具有很大的灵活性,使考生望而生畏。下面结合高考题例谈谈有关时态题的解题思路和方法。    一、分析题干,抓结构特点    高考题对时态的考查虽具有很大灵活性,但题干中的某些成分往往与所考时态有着密切的联系,这些结构特点是判断时态的可靠依据。  1. 固定句式  在某些
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在高考英语中,动词历来是考查的重点,其中对动词短语的考查占有很大的比重,这类题目主要考查动词短语(词组)的含义辨析以及在特定语境中的灵活运用。通过深入研究历年来的高考试题,笔者发现以副词“out”构成的动词短语非常受到“青睐”,本文通过列举历届高考题中对“out”短语的考查,透析“out”短语的用法,以期对广大考生和英语教师有所帮助和启发。    一、单项选择题中对“out”短语的考查     1
Attention—all Chinese challengers to the Indian with the world’s longest ear hair(4 inches) or the Americans who smooched their way to the world’s longest kiss(30 hours, 59 minutes, 27 seconds)—your d
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