
来源 :继续工程教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:carinalove
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中国继续工程教育协会第二届理事会自1990年4月选举产生至今已逾六年,任届期满。根据协会章程规定及人事部党组要求,应尽快进行协会换届工作,选举产生协会第三届理事会,以承前启后,不断推进继续教育及协会工作发展。去年底,协会办公室与有关部门、地方、单位和团体会员联系协商,根据部领导、协会负责人的指示,提出了换届意见、新理事会组成方案及工作进度。1月21日和2月14日,蒋冠庄理事长、徐颂陶副部长两次主持会议,召集部考培司、高培 The second session of the China Association of Continuing Engineering Education has been elected for more than six years since its election in April 1990 and has expired. According to the constitution of the association and the requirements of the party group of the Ministry of Personnel, the work of the association shall be conducted as soon as possible and the third council of the association shall be elected so that the continuous education and the development of the association will be continuously promoted. At the end of last year, the association’s office contacted and consulted with relevant departments, localities, units and group members. According to the instructions of the department leaders and the heads of the associations, the office proposed the general opinions, the plan of the new council and the progress of the work. January 21 and February 14, Jiang Guanzhuang chairman, vice minister Xu Songtao twice presided over the meeting, convened the Department of test Pei Si, Gao Pei
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目的 分析和评价CT定位及穿刺活检各环节对准确获取病理组织的影响作用,提高阳性诊断率。方法 回顾研究、分析了24例肿瘤病例并与诊断结果相对照。结果 病灶的性质、形态、大