
来源 :中国学校体育(高等教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helloclare
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南拳的发力与发声的完美配合是演练者完美地完成整个套路非常重要的因素,通过文献资料、视频观察、统计分析等方法对第12届全国运动会武术套路男子南拳前12名运动员的比赛视频进行观察,对南拳的发力与发声的特点进行归纳、整理、分析、综合。总结出了南拳演练者在练习南拳时应注意发力与发声的各种因素,为提高南拳演练技术水平提供参考。结论显示:1)演练者在演练南拳套路过程中要合理分配体力,发力与发声的合理配合既能助长拳势又能缓减肌肉的疲劳。所以,对于演练者来说,掌握好南拳演练中发力与发声配合的技巧对提高演练水平具有重要作用;2)南拳发声需遵循2个基本原则:在演练过程中,运动员应将技术动作的发力、发声配合,做到技术动作的发力与发声协调统一;模仿动物的动作发声,做到形与意合一,不能乱喊乱叫,胡乱发声。 The perfect match between the strength and vocal performance of Nanquan is a very important factor for the performer to accomplish the complete routines perfectly. Through the methods of literature, video observation and statistical analysis, the first twelve athletes of Nanquan boxing in the 12th National Games The video of the game was observed, and the characteristics of force and vocalization of Nanquan were summarized, collated, analyzed and synthesized. Summed up the Nanquan drills in South boxing should pay attention to the force and voice of the various factors in order to improve the technical level of Nanquan drills provide a reference. The conclusions show that: 1) The trainer should allocate physical strength reasonably in the process of training South Boxing Routine. The reasonable cooperation of hair force and vocalization can not only promote boxing but also reduce muscle fatigue. Therefore, for the trainer, mastering the skill of force and vocalization in Nanquan exercise plays an important role in improving the level of exercise; 2) Nan Quan fights need to follow two basic principles: During the exercise, the athlete should put the technique Action force, vocal cooperation, so that the technical force of the force and vocal coordination and unity; imitation of the animal’s voice, so as to form and meaning, can not shout shouting, casually sounding.
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