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我国是一个自然灾害多发国家,每年因灾造成的人民生命财产损失巨大、各级党委和政府高度重视救灾工作,每年都下拨巨额的救灾资金。救灾款是党和政府为救助灾民、解决灾民基本生活困难下拨的专款,是灾区群众的“救命钱”。但是,救灾款在一些地方不能及时足额兑现甚至被挤占、挪用的现象时有发生,救灾款不救急的问题成为困扰救灾救济工作的一大难题。为保证救灾款及时足额地发放到灾民手中,专款专用,近年来·些地区陆续建立了救灾款专户管理制度。这项制度的建立是新时期民政部门根据救灾工作内在要求,坚持改革创新,切实转变救灾工作方式的一项重要举措。江西在这项工作中的探索和已取得的成功经验,值得其他省、区、市借鉴和学习推广。 China is a country with many natural disasters. Every year, the people’s lives and property losses caused by the disaster are huge. Party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to relief work and allocate huge amounts of relief funds every year. Disaster relief funds are the earmarked funds allocated by the party and the government for helping the victims and solving the basic living difficulties of the victims. It is the “life-saving money” for the people in the disaster areas. However, in some places, disaster relief funds can not be fully redeemed or even diverted in time and diversion occurs. The problem of not providing emergency relief funds has become a major problem plaguing relief work. In order to ensure that relief funds are distributed in full and in a timely manner to the hands of the victims of the disaster, special funds have been earmarked. In recent years, some regions have successively set up a management system for special accounts for disaster relief funds. The establishment of this system is an important measure taken by the civil affairs departments in the new period in accordance with the inherent requirements of the disaster relief work, in insisting on reform and innovation, and in earnestly changing the mode of relief work. Jiangxi’s exploration in this work and the successful experience it has acquired are worth learning and promoting from other provinces, regions and municipalities.
干酪性上颌窦炎临床上少见 ,传统的疗法是施行上颌窦根治术。笔者运用鼻内窥镜下双径路的治疗方法 ,取得满意效果。现报告如下。一、资料与方法1.一般资料 :干酪性上颌窦炎 5
1 病历报告  患儿 ,男 ,9岁。因长期咳嗽、间断咯血痰 2年 ,于 1999年10月 12日入院。经详细询问病史 ,其父母代诉 ,患儿 6岁时有一天用嘴叨着衣服上的一个纽扣玩时 ,不慎
In units Production Sales Manufacturer Feb. Accumulated Change, % Feb. Accumulated Change, % Heavy Truck FAW Group Corp. 9,507 15,976 -11.078,701 11,999 13.02 D
新华社武汉电 湖北省交通部门积极探索预防和治理“工程腐败”的良法,今年9月始,在全省推广鄂黄长江大桥、京珠高速公路湖北段等重点工程项目的成功经验,一批重点工程项目在