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从7月24日到8月20日.北京市交通委员会、江苏省交通厅、浙江省交通厅、成都市交通委贯会、山东省交通厅五家交通信息化示范工程承建的10个项目全面顺利通过验收。至此.从2005年2月开始建设.历时16个月的交通信息化示范工程圆满落下帷幕。示范工程建设的总体要求是:面向应用、理性务实、整合资源、提升效能。各承建单位在有限的时间内.完成了项目开始设定的建设目标.整合已有和在建资源,实现资源共享.为行业管理提供了保障.为百姓出行提供了服务.突出了应用实效.各地在建设过程中根据各自实际,特色突出,并探索出一条信息资源开发、整合利用的有效途径.具有示范性。在示范工程的组织实施、建设思路、开发建设的技术运用、运营机制和保障措施方面都有许多可以总结、值得推广的亮点。本期专题既对变通信息化示范工程的历程作了回顾.又探寻了示范工程的示范之处.同时展示交通信息化示范工程信息整合的成果.以期对交通信息化示范工程有一个全景报道.需要特别说明的是.本刊上期已经对公众出行交通信息服务系统作了集中报道.所以此次成果展示的重点在于信息整合. From July 24 to August 20. The 10 projects undertaken by Beijing Traffic Commission, Jiangsu Provincial Communications Department, Zhejiang Provincial Communications Department, Chengdu Traffic Commission and Shandong Communications Department under the guidance of the five traffic information demonstration projects passed the inspection smoothly. At this point. From February 2005 to start construction. After 16 months of traffic information demonstration project came to a successful conclusion. The overall requirements of the demonstration project are: application-oriented, rational and pragmatic, integrate resources and improve efficiency. The contractor for a limited period of time. Completion of the project set to start the construction goals. Integration of existing and under construction resources, to achieve resource sharing. For the industry management has provided a guarantee. For the travel of people provided services. Highlight the practical results. In the process of construction, all localities are prominent according to their respective actual conditions and features, and an effective way of developing, integrating and utilizing information resources is explored. With exemplary. In the demonstration project organization and implementation, construction ideas, development and construction of technology, operational mechanisms and safeguards have many can be summarized, it is worth highlighting. This issue of both retrospecting the course of the informatization demonstration project. Also explored the demonstration project demonstration. At the same time display traffic information demonstration project information integration results. With a view to traffic information demonstration project has a panoramic coverage. Need special note is. The issue of the public transport traffic information service system has made a focused report. So the focus of this show is information integration.
For the ninth year in a row, Continental Airlines (NYSE: CAL) outranked all of its U.S. competition in international Business Class service, according to result
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