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举目望去,这座城市除了惬意地坐在路边喝咖啡的人外,似乎看不到一个为了生活四处奔波的生命。希腊被誉为西方文明的发源地,拥有悠久的历史。2011年,我到希腊旅游。出发之前,听朋友说希腊人与所有欧洲人一样,生活懒散。当时并未当真,直到身临此地后才发现,希腊人的懒散确实名副其实。按希腊公布的公务员上班时间,不管什么部门一律是早上九点到下午两点,包括银行在内,过了下午两点再去,肯定大门紧闭。如果 With all their eyes on, the city does not seem to see a life running around in life, except for those who sit comfortably in the street drinking coffee. Greece is known as the birthplace of Western civilization, has a long history. In 2011, I travel to Greece. Before you leave, listen to my friends that the Greeks, like all Europeans, are lazy. At that time did not take it seriously, until after hitting the spot only to find that the laziness of the Greeks is truly worthy of the name. According to the official announcement of the working hours of civil servants in Greece, no matter what the department is from 9 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock in the afternoon, including the bank, it must be closed at two o’clock in the afternoon. in case
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把坐标满足不等式F(x,y)>0的点(x,y)形成的平面区域称为不等式的解域。有下面命题: (1)不等式y>ax+b(或yay+b(或x0 is called the solution domain of the inequality. Ther
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