来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yx065781080
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The design and manufacture of the main drift chamber(MDC)and the electro-magnetic calorimeter are most important issues in Beijing electron-positron collider upgraded projects.The whole mass of electro-magnetic calorimeter(EMC)in BESIII is 40t,thus high stiffness,strength and dynamical properties are required for the design of entire structural of electro-magnetic calorimeter. Based on numerical technique,the strength and the dynamical properties of EMC are analyzed, which provide theoretical reference for the design of entire structural of EMC.The MDC is composed of the elements with 28 680 pre-stressed high-sensitive wires and during the assembly the wires are stringed layer by layer.The stretching forces of the wires vary continuously and couple with each other in the whole process.The modeling technique with high precision(especially“element birth and death”)is carefully used to study the stress state during the process of assembly.So the variations of the stretching force of the wire are investigated,and several design schemes are evaluated and optimized.The research results have been adopted in the Beijing electron-positron collider’s new project directly. The design and manufacture of the main drift chamber (MDC) and the electro-magnetic calorimeter are most important issues in Beijing electron-positron collider upgraded projects.The whole mass of electro-magnetic calorimeter (EMC) in BESIII is 40t, thus high stiffness , strength and dynamical properties of required for the design of entire structural of electro-magnetic calorimeter. Based on numerical technique, the strength and the dynamical properties of EMC are analyzed, which provide theoretical reference for the design of entire structural of EMC. MDC is composed of the elements with 28 680 pre-stressed high-sensitive wires and during the assembly the wires are stringed layer by layer. stretching tension of the wires vary continuously and couple with each other in the whole process. modeling the pattern with high precision (especially “element birth and death ”) is carefully used to study the stress state during the process of assembly. s the variations of the stretching force of the wire are investigated, and several design schemes are evaluated and optimized. the research results have been adopted in the Beijing electron-positron collider’s new project directly.
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随着现代科技的不断发展,我们之前只能在电影中看到的科幻技术,如今也可以在现实中看到了。  在科幻大片《环太平洋》中,机甲驾驶员只须戴上一个特殊头盔,通过心灵同感后,就能用意念和肢体动作操作庞大的机甲。如今,这项技术已被运用到现实中。美国一家公司研制了一款遥控直升机,它并非由操纵杆进行控制,而是通过大脑思维来操纵。该设备由一个耳机状装置监控脑电波,只须保持某种符合要求的状态向直升机发送操作指令,便能