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改革开放和社会主义市场经济对广播电视传播观念、媒体环境和节目造成冲击,促使广电媒体地随机而变、趁势而上,促进了观念的进步和形态的变化。在新的历史时期广播电视必须继续坚守和发扬以下几点:牢牢把握主流媒体的责任底线,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,为社会主义市场经济发展提供理论支持;大力传播正确的发展理念,为社会主义市场经济规范有序发展提供思想保证;用心弘扬中华民族的优秀文化,讴歌市场经济大潮中的人性闪光点,为社会主义市场经济发展提供精神动力。 The reform and opening up and the socialist market economy have had an impact on the concept of radio and television broadcasting, the media environment and programs and prompted the broadcasting and television media to change randomly and take advantage of them to promote the progress of ideas and the changes of their forms. In the new historical period, radio and television must continue to adhere to and promote the following points: firmly grasp the bottom line of responsibility of the mainstream media, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provide theoretical support for the development of the socialist market economy; vigorously disseminate the correct concept of development, Provide ideological assurance for the orderly development of the socialist market economy; carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation with an earnest heartache, sing the flashpoint of human nature in the tide of the market economy and provide the spiritual impetus for the development of the socialist market economy.
介绍了皖北矿务局任楼煤矿上1 采区回风石门突水治理技术。 This paper introduces the water inrush water treatment technology for No.1 Shihmen Coal Mine in Renlou Mi
通过7429 大倾角工作面应用高档普采工艺的成功经验, 论述了在大倾角工作面应用高档普采工艺的可行性。 Through the successful experience of applying high-grade general min
介绍了徐州矿务局张集煤矿“2·18”特大突水灾害治理过程中,为确保地面注浆堵水工程的顺利实施而采用的有关科学管理经验. The scientific management experience adopted
简述了应用计算机技术将通风网络解算结果直接显示在通风系统图上的原理,介绍了通风网络可视化计算的实现方法。 The principle of using the computer technology to displa
介绍了徐州矿务局张集煤矿“2·18”特大突水灾害地面注浆堵水设计方案的技术路线、工程布置原则及注浆工艺. The technical route, engineering arrangement principle and