
来源 :小学自然教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaochushang
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路培琦,年40余,中等身材,笑容可掬,生性聪明颖悟,外貌和善可亲,孩子们一看就喜欢。他是国内获得高级职称的少数自然教师之一,一节《植物的果实》,成为体现自然课改革精神的代表作,又由于两次参加了兰本达的“探究——研讨”教学法培训班,在自然和数学两科中大胆探索,领略到其中的精华,因此在国外也小有名气。兰本达教授专门写信邀请他去路易·艾黎创办的山丹培黎学校传授“探究——研讨”教学法。 本刊发表过路老师的两节自编课:“连续测量一杯热水的温度”和“连续测量一杯冷水加热的温度”,这两节课使用的教具极简单,人人可以做得到;但他选择的角度,设计的教法与学法却颇为新颖,是一般人难以做到的。这两节课的内容有价值,所蕴含的科学思维方法和研究方法更是难能可贵,堪称“一举多得”的杰作。 这位优秀的自然教师是如何从一个“小科学迷”成长起来的呢?这篇自述未免过于简略,但仍可让读者领略到几分奥妙。 Lu Pei-chi, more than 40 years, medium-sized, smiling, intelligent clever enigmatic, looks kind and amiable, children like to see. He is one of the few natural teachers with a senior professional title in the country, a section entitled “The Fruits of Plants,” a masterpiece embodying the spirit of reform in nature classes. Since he participated twice in a seminar on “inquiry-seminar” , Bold exploration in two subjects of nature and mathematics, to appreciate the essence of which, it is also famous in foreign countries. Professor Lamponda specifically wrote a letter inviting him to teach the “inquiry-seminar” pedagogy at Shandan Pele School, founded by Louis Aireli. The journal publishes two self-directed lessons for teachers who cross the road: “Continuous measurement of the temperature of a cup of hot water” and “Continuous measurement of the temperature of a cup of cold water for heating”. The teaching aids used in these two classes are extremely simple and can be done by everyone; Choice of perspective, the design of teaching and learning method is quite new, it is difficult for most people to do. The contents of these two courses are of great value. The scientific thinking methods and research methods embodied in them are even more valuable. They are the masterpieces of “one stroke in one stroke”. How did this excellent natural teacher grow from a “science fan”? This readme is far too simple, but still allows readers to appreciate the subtleties.
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时下,“创新”已成为一个时髦的词,出现在社会的各个角落。扫描仪市场的龙头——柯达公司最新推出了i800系列扫描仪。其中的i就是innovation创新。 创新,是指在有限的资源条
幼儿不仅要有一双灵活健壮的手,还应有一双灵活健壮的足。如何健足?我围绕这一课题进行了一些探讨。 一、训练脚对温度的感知觉 玩水活动向来是幼儿最感兴趣的活动之一,以往
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