Discussion on the differences and commonalities between Cuba?and Japan?in various aspects

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  Executive Summary
  The purpose of this report is to compare the differences and commonalities in the political,legal,culture and economic development of Cuba and Japan,and then get the conclusion about the attractiveness of these two countries’ environments to international business.
  The body of the report is divided into three parts.The first one will compare the differences and commonalities in the legal,economic and political system of Cuba and Japan,the second part will discuss the differences and commonalities in economic development,the third part will focus on two countries’ culture differences and commonalities.Then analyze the attractiveness of these two countries’ environments to international business.
  Political,economic and legal system
  For Cuba’s political system,Cuba is a socialist country,the Communist Party is the only ruling party.For Cuba’s economic system,Cuba is a completely planned economy system and no market economy exists,which is one of the few countries in the world practicing egalitarianism.For the legal system,Cuba has a complete legal system to deal with contracts,property rights,corruption problems and so on,which help improve the transparency of the country and businesses and help economic and political systems run effectively.
  Japan’s political system is different from Cuba’s,which is individualism.Japan has a democratic system,which is called parliamentary democracy,all the parties will compete for the highest power.Japan’s economic system is a market economy,which is different from Cuba’s.In most instances,and most of the companies are private companies,the government encourages free and fair competition.In economic activities,the government has played a role in guiding and helping to regulate the economic system,which is a push power to economic development.The legal system in Japan has similarities with Cuba’s,Japan also has its constitution,and in the constitution,there is a detailed list of anti-corruption laws.The legal system protects the economic system and acts an important role in regulating economic activities.
  Economic development
  Geographically,both Japan and Cuba are island nations,and their resources are not sufficient.At the same time,the small population results in a small demand, and a shortage of labor force.All these innate problems limit the development of the economy of them.
  But Japan’s GDP is much higher than Cuba’s.The reason why Japan’s GDP grows so fast is because of the growth of the market economy and the help and direction of government.Although Japan is an island country,they follow the step of western countries and study their experiences,they crossed the industrial age easily and quickly entered the information age.Finally,Japan determined their position in the field of high-tech products.Japan also encourages innovation and focus on protecting property rights by formulating policies and laws.The companies build their factories in developing countries,and their profits come from high-tech and Intellectual properties.On the contrary,Cuba chooses the planned economy.Under egalitarianism,most products are distributed,and almost 70% of enterprises are nationalized.Unlike Japan’s high-tech industries,Cuba gets profit mainly on crop exports,which is a low-profit industry.   Culture
  Cuba has a huge power distance.In Cuba the government has absolute control over it’s citizens.The government,which is a dictatorship,controls everything from religion to what forms of communications its citizens use.( Luis R.Luis)In contrast,Japan has a small power distance,because the use of power is legal,and people are educated that everyone has equal rights.
  Cuba is considered to be a collectivist culture,people will sacrifice their rights if it is good for the country.Individual rights are valued in Japan,but the Japanese also value individual loyalty to the collective.
  We can easily understand the reason why Japan developed so fast but Cuba did not.What is more,after the comparison,it can easily find that Japan has more attractiveness to international business because of its culture,market economy and complete legal system.But Cuba is hard to attract international businesses,because of the Inappropriate economic system,fixed ideas,and government dominance.
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  [3]Explore Japanese culture through the lens of the 6-D Model
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