
来源 :植物检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dilon1120
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中国特色进出境动植检内涵表述的科学性可以从唯一性、必然性和公信性3个方面进行评价。从中国的国情和进出境动植检工作实践的角度看,有中国特色动植检内涵的表述基本满足唯一性的要求。有中国特色进出境动植检的形成是历史发展的必然结果,是时代发展的必然需求,也是中国进出境动植检的实践和理论研究相结合的必然产物。从公信性的角度看,内涵的表述只具有部分公信性。要提高内涵表述的公信性,需要不断发展有中国特色的进出境动植检,建立公众认知机制,加大对内涵的宣传,从而不断完善内涵表述的科学性,不断扩大进出境动植检的影响力,不断提高有中国特色进出境动植检内涵表述的公信度。 The scientific nature of the implication of animal and plant quarantine inspection with Chinese characteristics can be evaluated from three aspects: uniqueness, necessity and credibility. From the perspective of China’s national conditions and the practice of phytosanitary inspection of entry and exit, the expression of the intension of inspection of plants and animals with Chinese characteristics basically meets the requirement of uniqueness. The formation of the phytosanitary and seizure inspection system with Chinese characteristics is an inevitable result of historical development and an inevitable demand for the development of the times. It is also the inevitable result of the combination of practice and theoretical research on the entry and exit phytosanitary measures of China. From the credibility of the point of view, the expression of content only has some credibility. To improve the credibility of the intertextual expression, we need to continuously develop the import and export phytosanitary seizures with Chinese characteristics, establish a public awareness mechanism and increase publicity of the connotation so as to continuously improve the scientific nature of the connotation expression and continuously expand the import and export inspection and quarantine departments Influence, and continuously improve the publicity of the implication of animal and plant inspection with Chinese characteristics.
我院小儿神经科自1994年至1999年共收住脑型寄生虫病15例 ,现报告如下。临床资料一、一般资料男8例 ,女7例 ;年龄25个月~11岁 ,平均年龄5.6岁 ,幼儿3例 ,学龄前儿童7例 ,学龄期儿童5例。食用羊肉串2例
安全气囊在汽车发生严重碰撞时,能有效地保证架乘人员的安全。本文介绍了安全气囊的种类、原理及检修事项。 Airbag in the car when a serious collision, can effectively
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美国麻萨诸塞州波士顿市儿童医 Children’s Hospital Boston, Massachusetts, USA
神户Kennametal最近开发出两种高速铣削用刀片,牌号为“KC792M”和“KC992M”。 ①KC792M:采用CVD涂层后,再进行PVD涂层,这种方式可最大限度地发挥两种涂层的优点。CVD涂层物