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在治理实践中,如何把全面依法治国落细落小,充分运用法治思维和法治方式?从实际情况看,需要把握好以下几个问题:“刚性”与“柔性”。法律是刚性的,要依法办事,不能含糊;任何人都要遵从法律,没有例外。但“法律之内,应有天理人情在”。如果执法司法只讲法理、不讲情理,只有严肃性、缺少人性化,当事人面对的将是冷冰冰的面孔、硬生生的方式,难免心生抵触、判而不服,甚至产生怨恨法律、仇视社会等偏激心理。多采取柔性的手段疏导情绪,多做些思想工作增进信任,多运用调解的 In the practice of governance, how to rule the country according to law and the rules of the whole society according to law and order, make full use of the rule of law and the rule of law? Judging from the actual situation, we must grasp the following questions: “rigidity” and “flexibility”. The law is rigid, it must be lawful and can not be vague; anyone obeys the law without exception. But “within the law, there should be God’s humanity ”. If the law enforcement justice only speaks of law and unreasonableness, only solemnity and lack of humanity, the parties will face cold faces and abrupt ways of life that will inevitably conflict with one another and condemn them. They will even be subject to hate laws and hate societies Other extreme psychology. Take more flexible measures to ease emotions, do more ideological work to enhance trust, make more use of mediation
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Stone coal is a special resource, because it is associated with a variety of rare metal elements. The elemental geochemical characteristics of stone coal can pr
Coal during its carbonization process produces a gas. This gas, mainly formed by methane, can be used. This gas, coalbed methane (CBM), is usually mainly formed